Announcement. The T., A. A. & N. M. Ky. announce that on Aug. 25th, September löth and 29th, 1891, they will sell Harvest Excursión Tickets to all points south, west, and southwest at one f are for' round trip in Central Traffie Association, added to one and one-third fare for points beyond. Through tickets issued here. R. S. Greenwood, Agt. The Annual Excursión To Petoskey and Traverse City via D., L. N. and G. E. & I. railroads will be run on Tuesday, Sept. 22d. This will be the best opportuuity of the year to visit the famous resorts of Northern Michigan at very low rates and in the best part of the season. Special train will run through tickets good to return until Oct. lst inclusive, on any regular train. Train will leave South Lyon at 8:38 a. m. Round trip rate $5.00. Geo. DeHaven, General Passenger Agent.