GRAND OPERA HOUSE An Uproar of Mirth and Melody Loudest Laugh of the Seasoa. Svery Evening and Saturday Matinee COMMENCING MONDAY, SEPT. 21st Bentfrow's huta THE ORIGINAL -Molfy Pathfinders Metropolitan Band and Solo Operatic Orchertra In their own Brilliant Repertoire of Musip! Farce Comedies. musical "FUi bj) EXpress The play tat hamade all America Laugn. rPOIFTTX PEiCEs, Saturday night, a beautiful Art Garland p KOeVneaPwayha8edOf SChuh & M"Ku toSsaomcahyiwf tln6e' a Pr6tty D0U wiU be ín. MATINEE : OMldren, 10c, Adulta, 20c To all parts of the house. WANTED, FOR SALeTÈtcT WANTED-A girl to do general housework Apply at the Arg-us office. 0K' WANTED-A boy who degires to learn rt, printer's trade. Must be able u? 2$ offlcengaQd8PeU Apply at ArlS? A íi?reHousefrHent.-Inquireof Mrs A ÍHch. ' Catherine stree'. Aan Arbot WANTED-Girl to do general housework tor small tamily. Good waires toon who will come well recommended. Inquire at the drug store of J. J. Goodyear or at No 61 South División Street. w . POK BBNT-Two commodious pleasant fiat. - with six rooms each in New Block on Statp Street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street 66- 1 A NN ARBOB NÜHSERY-JFruit and ornaf-mental trees. Peaeh and pear a specialtv Grape vines, berry plants, etc. Pnce low Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SALE AT A The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 16 in the Township of York, aVout four miles trom Saline village. A good house and small barn on the premises, known as the Wesley Ouderkirk farm. For terms apply to E. B. Pond, No. 6, N. Main street, Ann Arbor. . ; 45 tf. FOR SALE.- A family horse, sound, g-entle and in every way desirable for ladies' use Inquire at Stark & Gartee's paint shop 28 K Washington 8t. jgti F "ARM FOR SALE.-The farm known as the Jacob Schweickert farm, being the N. K2 of N.B. '4 of Secl. 1. T. 31, South of R. 6 E., and the E. 30 acres of S. E. ü of N. E. 54 of said section, eontainini? about 110 acres in town of tïorthfleld, Washtenaw county, Mich., about Ive miles from Ann Arbor. Will sell for $35 per acre for cash or part on time. Must be ïold immediately. Address, Abner Smith Room 630 Opera House Block, Chicago, 111. 56-61
Jolly Pathfinders
For Rent
Ann Arbor Nursery
Stark & Gartee's Paint Shop
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Mrs. A. Eisele
J. J. Goodyear
Jacob Ganzhorn
E. B. Pond
Jacob Schweickert
Grand Opera House
12 Catherine St
61 S Division St
18 S State St
6 N Main St
28 E Washington St