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THE SOÏÏG OF THE "No. 9. My dress is of fine polished oat. As rioh as the finest fur cloak, And for handsome design Tou just 8hoiMd see mine- No. 9, No. 9. I'm beloved by the poor and the rich, ■ For both I impartially stitch ; In the cabin I shine. In the mansion I'm fine - j No. 9, No. 9. I never get surly nor tired, ■With zeal I always am fired ; To hard work I incline, Por rest I ne'er pine - No. 9, No. 9. I am easüy purchased by all, With instalments that monthly do f all; And when I am thine, Then life is benign- No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I wen, Fpon getting the Grand Prize intent; I lef t all behind, The Grand Prize was mine- No. 9, No. 9. At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris, France, the best sewing machines of the world, including thosc of America, were in competition. They were passed upon by a jury composed of the best foreign mechanica! experts, two of whom were the leading sewing machine manufacturers of Franee. This jury, afterexhaustiveexamination and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, and awarded that company the highest prize offered- the GRAND PRIZE- giving oiher companies only gold, silver and bronze medals. T . ■ i :ench government, asafurther recocnitton f superiority, decorated Mr. Nathaniel Wr ' Ier, president of the company, with the Cross of the Legión of Honor- the most prized honor of Franee. The No. 9, for fmily use, and the No. 12, for manufaeturing uses, are the best in the world to-day. And now, when you want a sewing machine, if you do not get the best it will be your own fault. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 Wheeler & Wilson machine. If he doesn't keep them, write to us for descriptive catalogue and terms. Agents wanled in all unoocupied terriiory. WI1EELER & WILSON MFG. CO. Chicago, 111. FOR SALE BY Michael Staebler, Ann Arbor, Mich. nf]LB FDCt tkl' n N - "' ■"■8% B0"" JRk r ntteg.-. tRh p FiíH ujpuid Tlubl lincof Household 'IFiTu'VSAmplefl. Thtse implei, a welt ithe watrh, firee. AH tfae work you um do U to ihow vrhat we tend you to tboie who cali - jour fmnd nd neig hbor nd thos about yo- ihxt lwyreiult in valoable tmdc foros, TTbich holda for jetn wbn onc started, and thua we ar reptid. We pay all expresa, freipht, etc. Afier you kn-iw alt, if you wopld lilte to tro to work for us. you can fcitrn froxn #0 to SiÖO per wet'k and upward).'Addre's, Ntinaon .V Co.. JSux 81 tt. Portland, Maiue. H. KITJE.ED4&JE No. 6 West Ann Street, iii'FJ!I,iiiiii.ii!í(;(Uí;eiiíi, In the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all traius, day and night. Orders for trains, parties, weeiding-s and funerala promptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich. TRUCK l STORAGE. Now we are ready with a NEW BRICE SÏ'OREHOUSE for the etorage of househoid g'oods, pianos, books, sto ves, etc . Hoving of househeld goods and pianos earefully done. All kinds of heavy and light draving . Freight work. C. E. GODHIKY, Residence and otBce 46 Fourth Avenue North iETelephone 82._1 MARTIN & FISCHER. PR0PR1ETOR8 OF THE WESTERN BREWERY, ANN ARBOR, MICHBrewers of Pure Lasrer Beer. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Agent for the following Firpt C-laaB Companies, representing over t-wevly-?iz'ni MiDion Dollar Assets, ïesufs poüfiieg at thelowestrafHs jtna of Hartford $9,192,ft44.0d Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,0(i5,9K8.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.0(1 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. ünderwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Phenix, N.Y" 3,759,036.00 rspwjiai aiteattoo givoü 'o ih msurance u: dwellmis, scbooJfj. churcüeB and puhlír buildinír a tenna 01 thren an-i Üve vear Hangsterfer'S Frencb Hand-Made BON BONS 25c Box. Put up in 1 Ib. Fancy Boxes. SOLP EVERYWHERE At 40c and 50c. MADE EVERY DAY. 28 Soutl; Main Street. M. P. VOGEL, DEALER IN Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats And gaine ineeason. 22 E. cïXJXO2ST ST'R.Ï'E1!? A #fe f% A Jfc A YEAK T T undertflke to fcriefl %l J I i BtPachany ÍHirly iinel]Ktnt[)r8onofeÍlhcr Tk " Ú I ïfifx, "ho tan read nnd write, and who, 'Tí I 1 I I 1 1 I Ii"kt iriBtruollcn, wili work industrioualy, W W Wliowto earn Thr-e Tliouaand UolUrs ïeariu their own Iocaliiie8,when-ver they live.I wil] nlso furniih the ítuation oremp1oymcnt,at which you can carn tliatBrnonnl. No moncy for meunlcits wiccewiful aa above. Easilyand iuickly lenrned, I desiro but one worker from each district orcouoty. 1 have alrcady taught and providd with employment ü Inreo number, who re makinp over 80O) ajpnrearh. Ita JVKW -iiid SOIjIIÍ. Fu n particular FRE JE. Addreas at once, JC. t't ALLi:.N, ISox l'-iO, Auguitu, Maluc. I