OHEATING ! IÍ HORSE B LAN KETS Nearly every pattern of 5a Horse Blankei is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength,and while it sells for only a little less than the genuine it isn'tworth one-half asmuch: The fact that sa Horse Blankets are ,copied is strong evidence that 'they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the %A trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. M f Five Milo fof A EieVtrlc #JbA Extra Test v lm M Baker HORSE BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5A STYLES at prices to suit eTerybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write ns. Ask for the Va Book. You can get it without charge, WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphi. WM, HERZ, N'O. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sign, Obnamebal and Fresco Paihter, gilding, calciminiiijf, glazinif and paper nanfring. All work is done in tbe best style aud warranted to give satisfaction. BERBAGH & SO, AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS EBT Eru.g"s, Medicines, Ohemicals, Dye Stufïs, Artist's and Wax Flower Materials Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PDRBWINBS&UW Special attcntion paid totne turnishinff of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophicai and Chemical Aparatus, Bohemian Chemical Glassware, PorceUin Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. Physicians' Prescriptions Careiullv Prepared at AH h'ours. TSS AI M FRUIT MM. Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers From Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYRUPS, MEDICINAL WINES EASPBERRT STRUPS, BONESET., DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPE WINES Prepared Especially for Invalids. J3T Pure Plymouth Rock Eggs._ E. BATIR. West Hurón St. S 11 2 Ph -i g g jf fi a BB il f I 3 I1 á í Jg Ig 1 D o ë ! K s S rvi os iH o 9 Ifl I s "? s i -2 o. ; IC-l.m T5nr !. bf'n br Jnhn B li'-jilvvíii,Troy,í.Y.,tti ■ f ut liad ) il vut; i. i i 3k n -ti I, : .r u-a eui il !v,rk. AU (i,,:! lint" fJ Stttl itv wi.rker. Ve itaM jon, firmishin oicryüjinj. EASILV, BPZfcDILY loamei t'AlirlCL'LAKS FKLL. AdJrcn at ones, risux tu., ruHTLtüD, halm.