Frank Grahl is atole to do a little work. Geo. Fenn and wife start this week for England. Miss Bessie Russell, of Albion, is vlsiting relatives here. S. K. Niles and Mrs. Potter are (imong the sick, this week. A Pratt is painting his new house which promises to loo kvery wcll when done. The new minister, Mr, Depois, sreached his first sermón last Sunday afternoon. Clifford Sanderson, who has been living at Detroit for a year past, has moved back to Willis. V. H. Ostrander is running his saw mili at present. He has his new barn nearly done and is laying the wall for his new house, which will no doubt be quite an addition to the north side of Willis. On Monday of this week John Groves met with an accident that nearly cost him his life. Whilo putting a belt on a bean thresher his hand was caught and drawn around the pully, dislocating the left wrist, and tearing the flesh, also bruising the whole arm and shoulder, and cutting a largo gash in his head. Drs. Batwell, Post and Feit dressed the wound and amputated the left arm below the elbow.