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Proceedings Of The Circuit Court

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The October term of the circuit court opened on Monday, the following cases having been taken up since that time: The People vs. Francia. Gould, charged with rape. Refused to plead and plea of not guilty entered. J. P. Lawrence appointbd to assist the prosecuting attorney. Case eontinued and prisoner admitted to $2,500 bail. The People vs. Edward Norton, charg ed with assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Continued. The People vs. Thomas Matthews and John Gow, charged with rape. A. J. Sawyer appointed to assist the prosecuting attorney. John Aiken admitted to the bar af ter examination by Messrs. Turn Buil, Norria and Bennett. The Jfeople vs. Andrew Neff. Plead guilty to violation of liquor laws and ined $50. The People ys. Geovge Eitchell. Plead guilty to violation of liquor laws nd fined $25. Caroline Binder vs. S. and J. Bau'martner. Discontinued by consent. In the cases of the People vs. Peter Guinan, Patrick Fitzsimmons. Gibney & Wall, Hugh Shields and FredBraun for violations of tne liquor laws, the defendants all plead guilty and were flned $2-5 each. The People v. William Kerzey. Defendant plead guilty to larceny from the person and was sentenced to Ionia for 18 months. The People v. Charles Herman. Defendant plead guilty to assault and battery and was sentenced to the Detroit House of Correction for three months. The People vs. Wm.Bordine, charged with taking indecent liberties with a female child. Defendant plead guilty to assault and battery and was sentenced to three months in the Detroit House of Correction. The People vs. Daniel Bartlett, charged with larceny. Jury rendered a verdict of not guilty. The People vs. Charles M. Crum, charged with breaking into a shop in the night time. Verdict of guilty. The People vs. Bernhard Mast. Plead guilty of violation of liquor laws and fined $50. The People vs. Thomas Cronin and flve others, for placing obstructions on the Michigan Central tracks. Nolle pros, entered. The People vs. John Cunningham, charged with violation of liquor laws. The evidence showed that the prisoner bought beer at a Dexter saloon and gave it to some boys to drink. The jury found him guilty and he was sentenced to the Detroit House of Correction for three months and to pay a fine of $200. J. Manly Young vs. Barbara Wolf and Charles Wolf. Trespass. On trial. The People vs. Eugene Oesterlin, charged with violation of the liquor laws. Nolle pros, efttered.