Council Proceedings
[OFFICIAL.] COUNCII. CHAMBER, I ann Arbor. Micn.,Oct. 5, ïem. f Regular meeting. Council met and was called to order by the president. Roll cali; a quorum present. Absent, Aid. Ilerz and Ferguson. Minutes of previous meetings approved. COMMUNICATIONS FKOM THE MAYOR. Axn Arbor, Oct 2, 1891. ïo Hún. W. G. Doly, Mayor of the Cily of Ann Arbor: Dear Sir. - At a meeting of the Board of Education of this city, held Sept. lst, the following resolutión was pssed: "That the Board requestthe Pólice authority of the city to detail on e or more membersof its force to assist in the enforcement of the law regarding truancy." Trnlv. W. W. Wïiedon, Sec'y. City of Ann Arbor, I Mayob'8 Office. October 2, 1891. To the Honorable, the üommon Councïl: Pursuant to the provisions of Act No. 218. Laws of 1887, and in compliance with the foregoing request, I have detailed, subject to your approval, tbe City Marshal, Mr. James E. Murray, as Truant officer. 1 would suggest that the pólice eommittee confer with the Board of Education as compensation to be paid for services of the said officer. Respectfully, W. G. Doty, Mayor. Referred to the Pólice Coinmittee. SPECIAL ORDER. The time having arrived at which the matter of laying out a street from Madison to Hill streets was set for hearing, and such special order having been announced the President, Therefore the Clerk stated that he had caused to be served notices of this hearing on all persons interested therein, and due proof of such service was on file in the City Clerk's office. After hearing F. L. Parker, on motion the matter was referred back to the street eommittee. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. FINANCE. Ann Arbor City, September 30, ]891 . Your Committee on Finance respectfully report that they have had the following 'bilis under consideration and would recommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FÜND. W. .7. Miller, salary 6 66 E. B. Norris, " 25 00 Bach, Abel & Co., supplics 56 P. O'Hearn, salary 162 50 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., 6treet lighting 588 90 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co, city clerk's office 2 00 A. A. T.-H. Electric Co., changingpoles 1 25 Total $ 846 87 STREET FUND. Felson Sutherland, salary, 66 66 SmithMotley, " 80 00 H. O. Duerr, plans and speciflcations.. 53 00 M. A. Bowen, labor 5 00 W. Murphy, labor 50 J. Drake. labor.-' 75 Wood & Son, lumber 65 99 Micbael Kinney, labor 29 25 Jacob Michenflelder, labor 21 76 Charles Kadke, labor 21 75 Joseph Hutzel, labor. -. 32 25 Patrick McCabe. labor.. 27 75 Frank Sutherland, labor 26 89 Wiliciark. labor 37 20 Michael Williams, labor 35 25 E. Williams, labor 11 75 Wm. Nimias, labor. . . 33 75 Lriistave Walters, labor 3 75 Christian Helber, labor 18 75 Charles Poland, labor 15 00 Wm. Kuebn.labor 33 00 Karl Yarndt. labor 3 00 M. B. Murphy, labor 18 00 John Baumgardner, stone 37 65 Daniel Crawford, teaming 42 00 H iram Kitredge, teaming 1700 Matthew Schnierle, teaming 15 75 Nelson Sutherland, teaming 27 88 EmilBaur, teaming 8 00 Wm. Mason, teaming 3 60 Zenus Sweet, teaming 7 uo Thomas Hannon, teaming 14 00 Ann Arbor Agl. Co., repairs bridge No. 2 2 65 H. Krapf, plaining tknbere, bridge No. 2 3 30 Ann Arbor Gas Co., 1 bar'l tar, bridge No.2 5 00 Luick Bros., plaining timbers, bridge No.2 i 00 T. M. Halloek, lumber, bridge No. 2 20 40 W. F. Lodholz, 3 gale. oil, bridge No. 2. 45 C. Eberbach, hardware, bridge No. 2.. 8 55 JK. J. Hodgers, 2 plow points 80 Total $ 825 92 FIRE DEPARTMENT FÜND. Fred Sipley, ealary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, salary 50 00 Louis Hoelzle, salary 45 00 Henry McLaren, salary 45 00 Charles Carroll, salary 40 00 Morgan Williams, salary 40 09 Max Wittlinger, salary 40 00 John Webber, salary 40 00 Herman Kirn, salary 8 00 Robert Ross, salary 8 00 Louis Weinmann, salary 8 00 John Kinney .salary 8 00 Sam McLaren, salary 8 00 Geo. Jedele, hay n 20 Heinzmann & Laubengayer, supplies. 12 50 David Malloy, repairs, harness 3 10 Mrs . B. Ream, washing 4 00 H. C. Clark, oats 7 00 Charles Cubitt, straw 458 John Kempf, oats 13 40 Total $ 455 78 POI-TE FT7ND. James R. Murray, salary 65 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 50 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 John Kobinson, burying dog 50 Jas. A. Polhemus, use of hack 1 00 Frank Campion, special pólice 4 00 David Gates, dog 61) Total 8 171 00 POOR rUND. Fred Sipley, salary (PoorSupt.,) 10 00 Mrs. Evans, aid W Miss Shaw, aid 3 (K Doty & Feiner, shoes 3 u John Goetz & Son, groceries . 2 3S W. F. Lodholz, " 5 5C Wm. H.McIntyre, " 4 8C Rinsey & Seabolt, " 2 95 C. Rinsey, " .... 5 2c G. W. Snow, hack to County House 1 OC G. W. Suow, horse hire 1 5C Jacob Werner, groceries 6 25 J. Kapp, sawing wood 2 15 Total .' 5427 BECAPITULATION. Contingent Fund ? 846 CT btreet Fund 825 92 Fire Department Fund 455 70 Pólice Fund . ni 08 Poor Fund 54 27 Total &Í.363 84 Kespectfully submittecl. E. G. Mann, Louis P. Hall, Pinance Óommittee. Aid. Taylor moved that the report be accepted and adopted and warrants ordered drawn for the same, which motion prevailed as follows. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Rebberg, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. Cooley.- 11, Nays - Xone. STREET. Chairman Hall reported that the petition of F. A. Howlett and others relating to the closing of Clark street and the opening of Fourteenth street, contained two petitions, and that before any action could be taken it was necessary that separate petitions be presented. He also reported that the University authorities had submitted to him a change of grade on Catherine street, which he wishedreferred to the committee. On raotion the report was accepted . WATER. AnnArbok, Mich., Oot. 5, 1891. To the Coinmon Councü: Yoiir committee, to whom was referred the petition oL several residents of the 6th ward for a fire hydrant at the córner of Washington and 14th street, respectfully recommend that in view of the f act that our f unds are exhausted,we postpone the placing of any more new hydrants until next spring, when our treasury will be replenisbed. Respectfully submitted, C. F. O'Heakn, George Alsieïtdinger, E. G. Mann, Water Committee. On motion the report was accepted and adopted. BOKDS. The liquor bond of M. M. Nowland, with Allen L. Nowland and Gaspar Einsey as sureties, was presented. Aid. Mann moved it be accepted and approved. Carried. REPORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDING SEPTEMRER 30, 1891. To the Common Councü of the City of Ann Arbor: Balance overdraivn as per last report $1,637.59 MONEY RECEIVED. Contingent Fund- Miller, heenses Ï21.00 Murray, officer's fees. . 6.80 A. A. Savings Bank interest 27.00 54.80 Total overdrawn Sl.583.79 $1,583.79 MONEY DISBURSED. Contingent Fund. $ 845.21 Street Fund 1,017.69 Firemen's Fund 374.88 Pólice Fund 168.50 Poor Fund 84.58 Water Fund Cemetery Fund 4,00 Total Ï2.494 86 BALANCE ON HAXD, Contingent Fund oVerdrawn $1,558.97 Street Fund, overdrawn 6,364.78 Firemen's Fund $ 128.41 Pólice Fund 301,28 Poor Fund 1,249.41 WaterFund 964.71 Cemetery Fund 62.93 Soldiere' Relief Fund. 602.40 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 404 04 Dog Tax Fund 100.00 Total $4,249.14 $8,327.79 Total overdrafts.-.-V $4,077.65 Respectfully submitted, S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer. lo the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Ann Arbor Savings Bank, ) Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 5, 1891. j This is to certify that there is due to this Bank f rom S. W. Beakes, City Treasurer, the sum of four thousand ninety-five and 30-100 dollars (4,095.30). Respectfully yours, Chas. E. Hiscock, Cashier. The report of city clerk, marshal and superintendent of the poor was received and placed on file. MOTIOXS AND KESOLUTIONS. By Alderman Hall : Whereas, In the opinión of the Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor, the time has come when a main sewer has become necessary for the preservation of the public health; therefore be it Resolved, That the Mayor and City Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to cali a meeting of the electors of said city, to be heldatFireman's Hall, in . the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, Nov. 7, A. D. 1891, commencing at 9 o'cloek a, m. and closing at four o'clook p. m, of that day, to determine whether such electors will, by ballot, vote, direct and authorïze said Common Council to raise for such purpose, by general tax upon the taxable property in said city, the sum of $20,000, pavable in 1892. That said electors who shall at such meeting so ealled cast a ballot having written or printed thereon the words, "For the Sewer ïax, Yes," shall be deemed to have voted to authorize the raising of said sum of $20,000 by tax as aforesaid, to be appropriated as aforesaid; and such electors who shall cas? a ballot at such meeting with the words written or printed thereon, "For the Sewer Tax, No," shall be deemed to have voted against the raising of said sum of $20,000 by tax as aforesaid; and that the Mayor and Clerk cause notice to be given of said meeting, as required by the charter of said city. Aid. O'Hearn moved as an amendment that the date of the election be postponed to the next spring election, which ainendment was lost by yeas and navs as follows: Yeas - Aid. Allmendinger, Fillrnore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Eehberg- 5. Nays- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 6. Alderman Wines moved to amend by fixing the date as October 19. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Hall, Kitson, Tres. Cooley- 6. Nays - Aid. Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Kehberg- 5. The original resolution being now put, it was lost, a majority of all the alderman elect not having voted there:or, by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Martin, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 6. Nays- Aid. Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Heam, Ferguson, Taylor, Kehberg - 5. nvAld. O'Hearn: uLolved, That the nomination of , íílg R. Murray as truant offlcer be , irmed by this eounoil. After discussion the resolution was referred to the pólice coniniittee. ti o Alderman Mann: Resolved, That the sum of Thirty TL sand Nine Ilundred and Fifty iniiars be and the same is hereby , -oDriated to the several regular t ds o" the City for the fiscal year of có' that the saine be and is hereby appörtioned to the said several funds a3Tothrstreet Fund the sum of Nine Thousand Dollars. To the Fire Fund, the surn of Seven Ttinusand Dollars. To the Pólice Fund, the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Tvfthe Poor Fund, the sum of One Thousand Tw0 Hundred and Fifty To'lie Water Fund, the sum of Five Thousand and Five Hundred Dollars. Tothe Cemetery Fund, the sum of Fifty Dollars, and TiiV balance and remainder thereof t0 the Contingent Fund. Second Eesolved, That the sum of ■Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Fortv Dollars be and the same is herehv appropriated under and by virtue of the act of the Legislature authorizing the same for the purpose of paying the interest on and the installment of iirincipal of The University Aid Bond, fue February First,;i892. Third. Resolved, That the sum of Six Hundred Dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated to and for the Soldiere' Relief Fund. Fourth. It appearing to the Councü that to enable the City during the year 1892 to keep and maintain in good order and repair the bridges, culverts and cross-walks of the city a sum of money in excess of the per centum authorized to be raised under the authority granted by the City charter is and will be necessary. Therefore, Resolved, That by virtue of authority eranted by the general law of the State the sum of Four Thousand Dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose of keeping and maintaining in good order and repair all of the said several bridges, culverts and cross-walks. , . Fourth. Resolved, That and it is hereby ordered that the said several sums of money af oresaid be assessed on and upon the taxable property of the city of Ann Arbor and spread on the tax roll of said city for the year of 1391 for the üscal year of 1892 for the several purposes af oresaid; that all of the said several sums of money aforesaid be assessed, levied and collected pursuant to law and when collected, paid into the city treasury for the seveial purposes and on account of the several í'unds aforesaid. Resolved, further. That the City Clerk do certify thé f oregoing resolutions and appropriations to the Board of Supervisors of the county of Wasbtenaw and also to the City Assessor, and that when so certified the said Board of Supervisors do order the several sums of money aforesaid to be .assessed and spread on tne tax roll of the City of Ann Arbor for the year of 1891 and that the said City Assessor do spread the said several sums of money aforesaid on the said tax roll and assess the same against the taxable property of the City of Ann Arbor as the same is set down in and assessed on the said City tax roll. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Allmendinger, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Taylor, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, Pres. Cooley- 9. Nays- Aid. Wines, Martin- 2. üy Aid. Hall: Eesolved, That the Board of Public Works be requested to meet with thé street cornmittee again in regard to the grading of Catharine street. Carried. On motion the Council adiournea.
Ann Arbor City Council
Ann Arbor Board of Education
Streets & Roads
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
William G. Doty
W. W. Whedon
James R. Murray
F. L. Parker
F. A. Howlett
C. F. O'Hearn
George Allmendinger
E. G. Mann
M. M. Nowland
Allen L. Nowland
Caspar Rinsey
S. W. Beakes
Charles E. Hiscock
Fred Sipley
John Goetz
W. F. Lodholz
William H. McIntyre
G. W. Snow
Noble C. Tice
David Collins
John Robinson
J. A. Polhemus
Frank Campion
David Gates
C. A. Edwards
Louis Hoelzle
Henry McLaren
Charles Carroll
Morgan Williams
Max Wittlinger
John Webber
Herman Kirn
Robert Ross
Louis Weinmann
John Kinney
Sam McLaren
George Jedele
David Malloy
H. C. Clark
Charles Cubitt
John Kempf