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Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ford visited Mra. Ford's brother, H. Lonsbury, at Britton, last Sunday. The balloon ascensión at Milán, Saturday, was a great success and was witnessed by a good many MooreYillites. There wiíl be a social Friday evo, Oct. 16, at the residence of Mr. A. G. Mclntyrc. Coffee and cake will be served as refreshments. The Baptists of this place are without a pastor at presenit, A. B. Conrad having closed his pastorate and moved to Spring Eake, Ottawa Co. E. B. Ford has on exhibition at his store a potato weighing two and one quarter pounds. Who can beat that? It was raised on Mr. James McMullen's farm. A. R. Drapcr wcnt to Brighton laet week, and brought back a load of goods for Wm. Bush. Everett Davenport has sold his farm one-half miíe northeast of this place to Israel Hale. Mr. Hale will take possession in a few days. .). I). Forsythe and wlfe are expected home tliis weck fi-om their trip to the state of New Yorl where tiicy have been visiting tor the lasi ïi-w weks.