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The Choral Union

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As will be seen by the posters on erar streets, the Choral Union proposes a great series for the coming season. Madam Bloomfield, the pianiste, (a rare genius), the Detroit Philharmonic Club, respeeting which Arthur Nikiseh, conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, says: "I1 know of but one quartette equal to it in the country," the Boston Sympliony Orchestra, 70 performers, Orido Musin, the distinguished Belgian Violinist, Whitney Mockridge, Arthur Beresford, Miss Ginevra Johnson Bishop, Mr. Heinrich Meyn, late leading baritone of the Hamburg opera house, Mr, 'Chas. Knorr; probably are among the list of attractions. The Choral Union will appear in two concerts with orchestra. The "Damnation o ÍFaust," by Héctor Berliez, is one of the most difficult works ever writter and illustrates episodes from nation of Faust," with a power far exceeding the opera of Gounod. This concert will require an orchestra of 80 performers, magnificent soloists, and will represent an expenditure oxceeding that necessary to give an ordinary series. Associate membership tickets will be sold at the same rate as heretofore, and as the Choral Union series is one of the attractions of Ann Arbor, we are sure our citizens will give it the cordial support it deserves.