Testing The Baking Powders
Comparative Woxth Illustrated, et PROP. PETER COLLIER, late chemist in chïef of the DEPABTMENT OF AGRICXTLTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. DR. FRICE'S ■■■■■■■■■■MM Pure Cream Tartar. MHHH Contains Ammonia. HBB] SS Alum and Ammonia. H Taylor's 1 Spm.n# ■.. hmh-i-. Alum and Ammonia. ü MONARCH x ■ ■■■■■■■■■■MBbb Alum and Ammonia. H SSOW HALL.... ..-g--i Alum and Ammonia. H CALUMET ..aMBMBnmaHQa_nB9_v_BKaBBK Contains Alum. Hl HOTEL +.. ■■)_f-MB)B_nBBMa_B_)_a_v_v_s Contains Alum. H lAENAIL'S -kif.. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Alum and Ammonia. H MILK + .. ___ Alum and Ammonia. I SHEPARD'S ..... ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■b Alum and Ammonia. m MON BON -■_■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Contains Alum H FOREST CTTY .. .. ■]■_■■_)■_■_■__■_■__■_ Alum and Ammonia. WÊ CHICAGO TEAST ir mm Alum and Ammonia. I CROWN ■ -.. mbm Alum and Ammonia. Alum and Ammonia. H DODSON A niïS Alum and Ammonia, H Above diagram was drawn and verified in all its details, by Prof. Peter Collier, who is pre-eminent as a Chemist, and Scientist. The illustration is made in accordance with his chemical tests of each brand enumerated. The Carbonic acid gas was calculated to get the leavening strength and the quantative analysis to ascertain the comparative wholesomeness, purity, and general usefulness of the leading Powders. The result of Prof. Collier's examination and test, reveáis the fact, that, with but one exception, every brand tested contained either Ammonia or Alum, and a number both. Not one woman in ten thousand would use an Ammonia or Alum Baking Powderifshe knew it. Such Powders not only undermine the health, but ammonia imparts a sallow or blotched complexion. Note. - Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, as shown by Prof. Collier's examinations, is the only pure Cream Tartar Powder found free from adulteration and the highest in strength. All authorities report Dr. Price's free from Ammonia, Alum, Lime, or any othej adulterant. The purity of this ideal Powder bas never been questioned. if Indicates the Powder containing either Ammonia or Alum. -fc Indicates the Powder containing both Ammonia and Alum. While the diagram shows some of these Ammonia or Alum Powders to be of higher strength than others classed below them, it must not be taken that they possess any value. All Ammonia or Alum powders should be avoided as dangerous, no matter how high their strength.