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Fall Annoucnement

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Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule's OUR FINE LINE OF Fall and Winter Suits ai Idy Overcoats IS NOW NEARLY COMPLETE. Every day brings us something new. We are constantly on the lookout for all the latest novelties of the season. At no place in the county can there be found a more complete stock of Boys' and Children's school suits, and you must remember that we have no old stock to show you. Every garment we offer for sale is new and of the latest design. There is nothing the trade detests so much as old shop worn goods. We are deeply indebted to our many friends throughout the county who have patronized us so liberally and we will strive very hard to merit a continuance of the same. Wadhams, Kennedy & Reule, 28 SOUTH MAIN ST., HANGSTERFER BLOCK. 0 _- -"1 The above is a wonderf ui Farm Gate, patented by Wm. R. White, of Bloomington, Ill.,vho had lost his farm by mortgage. This is a new plan on the principie of the pendulum, and the levers are up whether opened or closed, having thirteen advantages over any gate in use. It is so convienient and durable that from $2,000 to $3,000 worth have been sold in some counties. This gate was shown at the fair grounds. It is patented in this country and Canada. It can be seen at the Franklin House, Ann Arbor. My salee for this week are nearly $200. Cali and see patentee at Franklin House. [Mr. White comes to this city well recommended, and thinks of staying for the winter - Ed.] r