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Weak, Nervous Men

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jpssSS. TOÜ.who have been humbugged by the "Electric Belts,""Fellow Suffi' ferer," "Crayon," "Vacuüm," "Nervlne, rrec il &&k. UnUnDADIC Cure,"quacks,andwbohavefoundyour8elf growoXA nUnUnHDLL ing worse and worse, You, who have given up in r1öfc"a(B6jjr. flflB ■ despair, eaying, " I am doomed; there is no hop' ; JFft UK for ;" to you I say: lip, and SAVE ÏOUBSELF1 THEHK IS BOPK Á Aï JtmV THERE IS A CUBE ! No matter what you have taken or who has failea fiFFMr to cure 7OU' write me a f uil history oí your casa , .SitlmS and send for ook (free) CIIPPCCPCIM and Qnestlon List. "M Thouands Cnred. oUuutOOlUL I'orty yers' xperlencs. (■ X&k. " % Consult the Old Doctor All Private, Neryoa o ■ I ÜLrV-' OHBONIC DISEASES of either sex skillfully and successtuUy treated ard .rffik '% "ïfen. a cure gnaranteed in every curable case. Married men or those nbout (■ %fll feákJ V nmrrT, who dread their weakness or incapacity, or whose blood is loado ' i with fmpuritles transmissible to offspring, should ZZIZmm WF consult the celebrated Dr. Clarke at once. TDCATMPNT "WI W' sultation personally or by letter, free and I II LH I ITILH I _ . ', , ■", " dential. Medicines sent everywhere, secure f rom r - '■ Establiihcd 1861. expoBure. A friendly letter may ald you and direct you to health. Address OR. F. D. CLARKE, Merrill Block, cor.wodnra hs, Detroit, MiGh.