Local Brevities
A new Batton hot water heater is being placed in the Savings Bank. A tea social was given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church, last eveaing at eis o'clock. The motors on the Ypsilanti road now burn coke instead of coal, resultiny in a big saving. Township treasurers are reminded that the Argus office is the best and cheapest place to get their tax receipts printed. Hon. Charles R. Whitman spqke in Ionia, Wednesday evenlng, for the democratie candidate for eongress In the fifth district. The Catholic fair cloees on Saturday night. The fi-rends of the parish have been very liberal and the building fund will receive a large addition. Therej was a very large attendance at the Good Templars' social, Monday vening, parties from Ypsilanti and Chelsea being among those present. E. Baur has received from Prof. Taft, of the experimental station at the Michigan Agricultural College, eight varieties of strawberries for experimental work. Wm. Hall was drunk "Wednesday and was placed in jail. He was given the choice of paying $10.15 fine and costs, or spending twenty days in jail. Being short of funds he chose the latter. The library social at the M. E. ehurch, Saturday evening, was an interesting and novel affair. ff"he costumes were good, each representing the work of some well-known author. In gfving a history of Northwestern University, at Evanston, 111., the Chicago Herald of last Sunday published an excellent likeness and sketch of President Henry Wade Kogers, so well known here. The mail carriers had a contest, last week, as to which one should carry out the greatest number of pounds of mail. Carrier O'Kane won, earrying out twenty pounds .more than any of the others. The members of the Ladies' Library wlsh to express their sincere thanks to Prof. Stanley, Miss Bulkley and Mr. Bilbie for their kindness in giving the concert on Saturday evening to assist th-eni in reducing their debt apon the Library. At the Catholic fair a number of parties have een very fortúnate in drawing articles which were raffled off. O. M. Martin, Miss Nora Egan and Mre. Hill caeh drew a barrel oi' flour; M. Condón and Fred Horning, each a box of cigars; Mr. Koch, a sxoast pig. At the Unity Club, next Monday evening, Dr. V. C. Vaughan will give a paper on the "Study of Pure Scienoe," and Miss Annie M. Briggs will give some recitations. Miss Davis will also give a piano solo and Mr. Mell. Gillespie, together with Miss Davis, will give a selectiou on banjos. The Oriënt raises her figs and golden California her figs, but we have had the pleasure of eating a fig raised in A nn Arbor, by Mrs. John Armbruster, on Washington street.. The tree is about three feet high and bears two crops a year, is kept out of doors in summer and indoors in the winter. Complaint was made to Mayor Doty and Marshal Murray, last week, relfcitive to the house of ill-fame in the fifth ward, known as "The Farm," and on Friday the marshal notified the inmates that they must leave the city within forty-elght hours. They heeded his orders and left lor other fields. Sunday. The monthly meeting of the Washtenaw County Horticultural society will be held in the court house, Saturday, Nov. 7th, at 2 p. m. Topics: "Which is our best fruit market?" and "Is fruit and vegetable growing overdone in Washtenaw?" An exhibit of fruits, vegetables and flowers will be made. Jlrs. Augusta McCleery, formcrly of this city, died the latter part of last week at Indianapolis, Ind. She suffered a paralytic stroke several months lago and never fully recovered. (The deceased was a mother of Mrs. Sed. James and Mrs. E. E. Carey, both of whom formerly resided hcre but now live in Indianapolis. At Adrián last Thursday evening, the Uniform Rank, K. of P., Uniform Rank K. O. T. M., Uniform Rank I. O. O. F., and Co. B., lst Reg't, M. S. T., gave a public dress parade. Ann Arbor has severál well drilled organizations from which an excellent battalion colud be formed and our citizens would enjoy witnessing regular dress parades and battalion drills. Next Sunday is All-Saints' day. George Laubengayer paid Justice Pond $10.90 fine and eosts for the privilege of getting druuk, Monday. The funeral of Stephen Jacobs was held at the M. E. ehurch Sunday afternoon, and was largiely attenQ-ed. Welch Past, G. A. E., and J. T. Jacobs Camp, S. 0. V. attended in a' body. Mrs. Heath, inspector of the Michigan department Woman's Relief Corps, made an official inspection of the; corps connected with Welch Post, G. A. R., in this city, Tuesday afternoon. Miss Mary Clarken is the possessor of one of the finest doublé action harpa ever brought to this section. It was purchased by her mother, of the Ann Arbor Organ Co., and the price was $700. Abram Gorsline, a prominent Superior farmer, was seriously injured bj" a runaway, Monday. His horsen became frightened at a traction engine1 and he was thrown out, striking his head against a fence. Th creruains of Henrietta M. Coolridge, wife of J. T. CoolridgeJ of Waterloo, Iowa, were brought here for interment, Monday afternoon, and deposited in Forest Hill cemetery. Mr. Coolridge married his first wife in this city,xand at one time lived here. Trans-continental travel must be heavy at present. W. W. Worden with his famiïy intended to start for San Francisco, last Monday, but were unabl'e to get a section or a stateroom on a through sleeper before Nov. lst, so they were obliged to defer their departure until next Monday. Ypsilantl merchants must have feit lonely, Saturday, and their feelings may have verged on anger as they watched their ladies, with well-tillefl purses, take advantage of Mack & Schmid's free excursión to this city. The ladies numbered over 300 and ,éach took home from one to a dozen packages of goods bought of the different merchants in Ann Arbor. Carlotta Medaris, of S. Fifth ave., met with a serious and painful accident while visiting at Mrs. Spence's, Friday afternoon. She was sitting on the railing of the porch, when she lost her balance and feil over baekwards, striking her right arm and breaking it at the elbow. This is the fourth time in as many years that this young lady has had the misforfcune to break an arm. The street railway company has been meeting with hard luck in breakages lately, the last being the breaking of the piston-rod on the new Buckeye engine, Sunday evening. The other engine being also out of repair no cara were run Sunday evening exeept the one connecting with the Ypsi. road, to which horses were attached.' Supt. Fall and his men worked until nearly, daylight, Monday morning, repairiug the damage and everything has been running smoothly since. The Adiian Press, in speaking of the new members oí the state board of control, says: "Mr. Duffy, of Aun Arbor, is too well known all over the state as a level-headed, judicious business man, who has made a success in every undertaking, to need a word in approval of his choice. He has proven his wortli and lus integrity in the discharge of his dutiea as postmaster at Ann Arbor, and as superintendent of the poor of his county, and his other public duties, and no democrat in Washtenaw has ever had to blush for any wrong or censurable act of his. He is a leading business man in Ann Arbor, a man of education, sound judgment, and quick to grasp the situation in all cases of public needs." The funeral of Mrs. Daniel Meyer, o5 Lima, was held at the Salem Lutheran ehurch, Tuesday morning, being at tended iby a number of frlende and neighbors from this city. The Board of Directora of Forest Hill cemetery held a meeting, Wedneeday morning and approved the work done by the president and superintendent during the year. The south part of the ground has been graded, and when opened will make one of the handsomest portions of the grounds. A committee was appointd to experiment with a driev well, and if euccessful a number of wells will be put in to furnish water for sprinkling plants.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Stephen Jacobs
Carlotta Medaris
Charles R. Whitman
Emil Baur
William Hall
Henry Wade Rogers
O. M. Martin
Nora Egan
Fred Horning
V. C. Vaughan
Annie M. Briggs
Mrs. John Armbruster
Augusta McCleery
Mrs. Sed James
Mrs. E. E. Carey
George Laubengayer
Mary Clarken
Abram Gorsline
Henrietta M. Coolridge
J. T. Coolridge
W. W. Worden
Mrs. Daniel Meyer