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Adrian Press Washtenawisms

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Philander Perkins, of the Adrián Press, has the following tö say about Waslitcnaw county. A cinnamon bear is still leading a couple of Italians arouud in Washtenaw county. A bod of peat has boen diseovered underlying Ypsilanti. Tliis proves tlial the prehistorie uettlers of Ypsilanti were A cooking school, under the auspiceg of the Ladies' Aid society of Ann Arbor, will go into blast Nov. 2. It is to bc hoped that gome of the gradúateos wiU be allowed to escape into the back kitchens of hotels. Howell issued the bonds by which the T. & A. A. road was directed irom South Lyon, leaving her nothing but a cow path. Xow Howell, will figlit the payment of the bonds in th courts, against a woman in Connecticut, who was persuaded to purchase them. South Lyon will easily wipe away her tears, should Howell get woman-walioped. Gapt. E. P. Allen, on nis return to Ypsilanti, froni his recent stumping tour in Massacluisetts, estiniated that the republican majority in that state in November will be 20,000. We clironicle the estímate here, that all may know after election whether or not the captain is a good prophet. - Ann Arbor Argus. If his g.uess is 10 foetter than on the price of wool oï the stuffed nam, with which he campa igned in Hillsdale county, those who would bet, on the strength of his judgment, had best fold their wallets. The Dundee hotels have free busses for travelers, but this freedom to the commercial world does not extend to the diuing room girls. # # A colored couple from Ypsilanti were recently married at Ann Arbor, by Justice Bogardus, who charged no fee! Is there not, soinewhere in Washtnaw, a Bogardus kicker? No fee! The Saline Observer inquires: ''Where is the coldest spot on the earth?" Use a diamond drill on the heart of the gas plumber, and we wouldn't be surprised if you would strike it. The best loved man is he who gives the most; he is alsb the one least regarded when he stops giving. A school teacher asked an Irisli boy to describe an Iglaml. "Sure, ma'am," said Pat, "it's a place you can't lave without a boat." "Nothing," said Mr. Tozer, sadly, "equals the skepticisms of married women." "You're mistaken, my dear," answered Mrs. Tozer, "there is one thing." "What is it?" "The credulity of the unmarrièd ones." Iron is so important that physicians often prescribe it as a tonic.