BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J) A. MAC LACHLAN, M. T. Dieeases of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Office in Hangsterfer Block. Kesidence 26 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. ELIHTJ J3. ZPOILsTD, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Notary 7Jubltc. Conveyancing done and REAL KSTATE bought and suld on commission. Patronage solieitea . No. 6 N.MainSt. ATTORNEYS. D. CRAMER. S, CRAMER. CRAMEK & CRAMEK, ATTORNEY8 AT LAW. Office: Front room óver First National Bank. Affl ARBOR, MICH. L E. NORRIS ATTORNBY AT LAW. Does a general law collection and eonveyaneng business. A moderate shareof yourpatnm&ge respectfully eolicited. Office in the Court House. f R. WILLIAMS, Attornev at Law and Pension Claim Altóme?, MILÁN, MICH. Conveyancing and Colleetions. DENTISTS. T OUIS P. HALL, DENTIST. Office South State street. Over Sheehan's Booh Store. Hours 9 a. m. to 12 and 2 p. m. to5 p. m. ki VV. NiCHOLS D. D., DENTIST. lu the old St. James Hotel Block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ntalized air. A C. NICHOLS. DENTIST Late of Nichols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 13 South Main street. TRUCK ! STORM. Now we are ready witn a NEWBRICKSTOKEHOUSE for the storag-e of household goods, pianos, books, stoves, etc . of househeld goods and pianos carefuHy done. All kiuds of heavy and light . Freig-ht work. C. E. GODFREV, líepidcnce and office 46 Jb'ourth Avenue North L3"Telephone 82._éS3 MARTIN & FISCHER. PROPKIETOBS OE' THE WESTERN BKEWERY, ANN ARBolt, MICHBrewers of Pure Lasrer Beer. Dr. F. G. Schrepper, VETEBDUB7 5ÉE0I Is reeponsible for all the work he does in his line of business. OFFICE: At Kittredge's Livery Stable. Residence, 7 Fountain Street, -A-OSTlsT ARBOS. Orders may beleft or telephoned to Eberbach's Drug Store. ElBÍLBIEJioMsl Pupil of Sauret After threo jears' study at the "Stern Conservatory," Jlerlin. Germany, under eminent teachers in Bolo, Ensemble, and Theory also under professors oí the "Berlin High School" is now prepared to take pupils at his rooms in the Ami Arbor Organ Companfs Building, Cor. Main and Liberty Sis., -A.3STISr ARBOR. IW Terms made known on application. _Lgj 'S THE "ACME" ff GRICULTURAL ,p=fcJL W BOIL.JERFor Cooking Feed for II'V Stock, Heating Water, ,' j' and Generating Steam 'JBB I 1 fr Various PurPses. MM B[ 3U ja ' '■' DeBorlptlve Circular Wá iBvU and Price List, address the aB KMVmST" manufaotiTrer. mmM. C. H DICKIKSON, KalayxsíigcLzL- == mazoo, Micli. He'll Take a Drop And he won't lauffh eo hard axoin u!til he has purchased a bilí of gkesoc:es:e3x eis Overteck ! StaeUeft Who keep the Best Stock at prices which put customersin ffood humor. 41 SOUTH MAIN STREET.
Western Brewery
Veterinarians & Veterinary Medicine
Ann Arbor Organ Co.
Farm Equipment
Overbeck & Stabler
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
Dr. D. A. MacLachlan
Elihu B. Pond
Densmore Cramer
Seward Cramer
E. B. Norris
G. R. Williams
Louis P. Hall
W. W. Nichols
A. C. Nichols
C. E. Godfrey
F. G. Schrepper
E. N. Bilbie
C. H. Dickinson
26 S Division St
Hangsterfer Block
Sheehan's Bookstore
St. James Hotel
13 S Main St
46 N 4th Ave
Kittredge's Livery Stable
7 Fountain St
41 S Main St