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The Cook House

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No Money Required oí Eeponslble Parties to Oommenue Treatment. Formerlv of New York, now the celebrated Examiningr Pbysieüms and Surgeons of the Fnitli Mecical and Surgical lnstitute, Chicufm. i I ., by v. &eerot many J. riends and Patients, have decided to visit ATflf AJiBOR THUHSDAY, HOVEMBEE 26, '91. Oonáultatíon and Examination fvee and strictly confldentlal in the private parlors of ONU DAY ONLT. D. 0. FRUTH. A. C. FRUTH. Celebrated Surgeon. Examining Physiclan. OH' THE _ Fru+b. Medical and Surgica"1 Saastitirte. Permanently established and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, with a capital stock of Sioo,ooo, for the scientific and successful treatment of all forms of Chronic and ' Sexual Diseases, Catarrh, Asthma; Stomach, Eidney,' Bladder Kervous and Special Deseases of Men and Women. Ably assisted by a full staff of eminent physicians and surgeons for every department of medicine and surgery. Ffmalp Dispases positively cured by a Kidney and Bladder Diseases -ve?ïiuiïir method home treatment enBrishfs Disease, Diabetes and fctadred mala firèiv hnfa ilv applied. Consultadies treated and cures effected in thousandsof ion fieè "nd nSly eonfldential. cases that had been pronouncd bevond hope. r- V":5Sre SSSSS5 Vital drain In Ll"'?rpnSocrí"ía' Süchoy soases ofihe genlto-urtnary orirans, speedily palred Memory, eak tack M 11& nou permenently cured. No risks incurred. Want of Energy, (JJftSjrS)55??,SL ,n" Conpultation free and strietly eonfldential. Manlylowers ii tonsiltec beiorcidio m ,jn freö from ob8ervation to ttn Thi'te n'ibfe8 disorders ariL S rnmous parts of the United States. uractices oï youth the most rudiant Catarrh Cured. Catarrhal affections ol ïoneo patiënt fov study, society, or the nose, throat, lungs and stomach, bronnarrlátre Amiually sweeping to an chitis, asthma, eonsumption and dyspepsia. imelv irrave thous'ands of youug men of 6uecessfully treated by the most reeent and iriliant intelect and exalted talent. seientiflc methods whieh a vast hospital ex... . „ Vr.H„ „_ perience has proved worthy of eonfldence. Piles Cured without pain, kmte or ye pg n0 btter proof ol succes than the eautery. testimoniáis on flle at the institute, ofthouMarrias'e Married persons oryoung men sands of helpless cases that we hav restored eontemplatint? marriage, aware of physical to health and happiness. weakness, loss of procreative powers, Free Examination of the Urine. potency, or any other disqualalincation. jjaen person applying tor medical treatment speedily restored. should send or Irinfr an ounce of their urine, EDlleosy positively cuied byournewand which will receive a careful chemical and never faíling Hospital treatment. microseopical eiamination. ■■■.■ BfiT ñHBiS Perfccted in old casee which have been negleeted orunskillfully treated. WÜHflifttUli wUftti) No experiment or failures, Parties treated by mail and express, but where possible, personal consultation is preferred. Curable cases guaranteed. t-Cases and correspondenee eonfldential. Treatment sent C. O. D. to any partof the U S. Kt of WO 'niestions free. Address with posUige. DK. D. O. FKUTH, S9 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111,