■wim:. :h::e]:r,z, NO. 4 W. WASHINGTON ST. House, Sigk, Oeïnamenal and Fresco Paintek, gilding1, calcimininjr. glazinjr and paper nanking. All work ís done in the best style and warranted to rive satisfaction. Ask my iiL'fiiis for W. L. Dougiaa SIkm'i. 'f not for ale in juur place usk your lealer to scncl for catalogue secure the uiit'iK'j', aud a:et tbem for you. "TARE NO SÜBSTITUTE. Jtt WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE cent8Lmen THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEV.1 It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, Btyltsh and easy, and bccaxtse we makt more shoes of this grade than any other manvj 'acturer, it equals haiulsewed shocs costiug from $4.00 to $5.00. &K 00 Gen n Ido Haud-sewed, the flnestcali PJm shoe ever offered for S5.Ü0; equals Freuch Imported shoes which cost from SS.Ot to $12-00. CA 00 Ilnud-Sewed Welt Hhoo, Hne calf, #■■ Btylish, eonifortable und (Jurable. The best shoe ever offered at this prlce ; same grade as custom-mado shoes costinfi from $6.00 to $9.00. CO Í5O Pólice Slioe; Farmers, Kailroad 3Ion P O ■ and Letter Carriersall weartbem; Ünecalf, Beamlcss, sniooth ïnslde. heavy three solea, extensión cdge. Oue pair wilt wear ayear. CO 50 fine cnlf; no better shoe ever offered at 9 this price; one trial wlU coavlnce thoso who want a shoe for comfort and service. Cï O -- i' f il $'.00 in-U i ii;niii h'k shoes PLi are ver strong and durable. Those who have glven them a trial will wear no other make. QAVe! $'.00 and $1.75 school ehoes are DUY9 worn bythe boyseverywhere; theysell on thelr merlts, as the íncreasing sales show. I orliaC $3.00 Ilnnd-wewed shoe, best kdU Ivw Dongola, verystylisli; equalsFrencb imported shoes costina from g-i.iH.) to SG.UO. Kudits' 2. ",(, S'2.00 and Si. 75 shoo for MlSSM ara the best fine bungola. Stylísh and durable. Cantion.- See that W. L, Douglas' name and prlce are stamped on the bottom of each shoo. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. WM. REINHARDT &. CO A.GÍ-E2STT.