Two Fatal Accidents
The tax rate in Anu Arbor city his year will be $14.30 on the thousrail dol'ars or eighty cents on a thousuwl dollars higher than last year. 'he co unt y tax to be paid this year higher than last year, being nearly loublf. The tax for building the jridgt1 over the Huron is atoo an addqtion. TW city tax is ve milis, the same as 'Jast year, with the tax ior luc hospital bonds and thp bridge tax dditlonal. Tha rates on $1,000 as-i'ssmcnt aa-e? state $1.30; oountyi $1.10; city, $6.50; school, $5.40. The otal amount of taxeis to be raised his year .is $88,400.87, of which $14,839.82 is state and county; $4o,361.05, city; and $33,180, school.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus