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Jurors For The Next Term

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The followinig jurors were drawn, yesterday, to serve during the December term; of the circuit court, and ordered to appear 011 December 8: D. F. Schairer, John Haarcr, Siinon Meyers, Jolin Kress, S.G. Hossack, and John Fordon;'G. G. Luick, Ann Arbor town; J. F. Fowler, Augusta; Christian Saley, and C. Ernst, Bridgewater; Godirey Lutzer and Patriek Rabbitt, Dexter; Frank Koebbe, Freedom;' F. Wldemeyer, Lima; M. Grosshans, Lodi; Daniel McLaughlin, Lyndon; Frank Stantz, Manchester; E. Brokaw, NorthLield; Fred Hutzel, Pitits}eld; 'Geo. Nelson, Salem; B. W. Forbes, Saline; William Cunningham, Scio; F. J. Gillette, Sharon; Fred Smith, Superior; M. B. Millspaugh, Sylvan; J. C. Bleicher, Webster; S. V. Hitchcock, Vork; F. Hiscock, Ypsilanti town; S. B. Mereness, and O. E. Thompson, Ypsilanti town.