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Leslie liush. is spendlng a lew weeks at home. Charlic Johnson has gone to Pontiac to visiit his sister. Late sowed wheat is looking quite well ín this vicinity . The. winter term of school commeneed Monday, Nov. 9th. Most of the farmers in tuis vicinity have thelr corn husked and the stalks seeured. TIip hunters are baring ;my quantity of sport quaüs and rabbits, now days. Robert Martin is drawiug off his large erop of wheat. He got one dollar a bushei for it some time ago. Born, on Nov. 4, to Mr and Mrs. Charles Nanry, a girl, Mother and daughter are getting along very nicely. Arthur Covert jr., son of Arthur Covert, of Superior, is quite sick at Aira Arbor. He is attending college there. Julius Sauford, clerk at the express office at Ann Arbor, has been building over his house on his farm, onehalf mile south of Dixboro.