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Hangstirfiris CONFECTÍOrsE5Y. Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, Sandwiches, Etc Ice Cream Soda During the Winter. wantedTförTale, etc. ÍOST- Either on Main street or on one of the j Street cars, Wednesday afternoon, asum of money. A suitable reward will be paid upon lea ving át J . T. Jacobs & Co's 5- 6T ITOR SALE OR RENTNew house, tfin rooms, r with all modern conveniences. on Forest avenue. Apply to Henry Richards, H Detroit St. WANTED- A girl to help a pantfemaker. Wagner & Co., 21 South Main St. 64tf l Y farm at Seio of 200 arci'S ior sale. I 'V' have no boys that will worU the ranch, andlamtoold to farm. If not sold before the flrBt of Marcb ncxi it is to rent. Geo A . Peters. W TO RENT- House, just outside of west city limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street. ÖTOSALE.- Farm oí íorty icrcs ut wiiiimore Lako, Mich. Good house. Fiveminutes' walk fro'n hotels aml post-otliee. Excellent soil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, T0 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Micli. 69-tC FOR RENT- Two commodious pleasant öats, with six rooms eaoh in New Bloek on State street. Enquiro at No. 18 South Stato street (K-tf. ANN ARUOR NUKSEJKY- Fruit and ornamental trees. Peach and penr a specialty. Grape vines, berry nlants, ote. Price low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Sprint? street.