Helght of Cruelty. Nervous Avomen seldom reeeive the sympathy tliey deserve. While often the picture of hcalth, tlicy arè constantly ailing. To withhold sympathy froin these unfortunates is the lieight, oí cruelty. ïhey have a weak hcart. causing shortness of breath, ihittering, pain in side, weak and hungry spells, and ïiaally swelling of ankles, oppressiou, choking, smotüering and dropsy. Dr. Miles' ííew Heart Cure is just the thing for them For their nervoushess, headache, weakuoss, etc., his Restorative Nervine is uncqualed. Frce treatise on "Heart and Nervous Diseases" and marvelous testimoniáis free. Sold and guarantoed by Eberbach & Son, druggists.
Eberbach & Sons
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus