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ONB BNJOYS Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prqmptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasiug to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action aud truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOVISVIUE, KI. NEW YORK, ; Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine E Jk EVER MADE. mÈJ' will drive the Humor f rom yerarP jV"ystI'i nd make your skinp 1 ■ip Cclean aod mooth. ThnseL ' viiX.1''"1!'1-' "d Blotchcst ■feo " which mar yonr beauty F . V4 ■ v.are oaused by impureE V kW A%Lblood' and can l,efc i Xf A' Wthe greatt Jsmall-only a teV i of I 3 best and cheapesto e tf ,, . medicine. Try ft, and. %4 .„f flyon wlll be satisfied. W i m M Get it oí your Druggist. %yfr W Jdon't Wait. Get it at okce q W I If you are snffering from Kidk ' m ■ney Disease, and wish to live to ■ old age, nse SULPHUR BITTERS.. E SThey never fail to care. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway & Co , Boston, Mass., for best medical work published? BEAL So POND Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main St, Ann Arbor. Tbe oldest agencv m the city. Ls tablisher) a juarter of a century ago Itepresenting the following first-class eompanins. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., - $7,000,000 Continental Ins. Co. of M. Y. 4,207,2W Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y. - 1,735,663 Giraid Ins. Co. of Pui Is. - 1,132,486 Oriënt Ins. Co. of Hartford - 1,419,522 Commercial Union of LondoH 12,000,000 Liverpool, London and Ulobe33 'mn.000 fSTltoXes low. Lossen liherally adjusted and promptly paid. BEAL POND. V G. BÜ1TS, JUS! ICE OF THE PEACE. Real Estáte auii Collection Agent. Okkick: In Masnnic Block. IMiLS. Eek Headacho and rcliovoo.U tbo troab!91 ü& flent to a bilioua etutooi tbs i Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, 3fétre) pif; eating. Pain in the EiJo, to. Ml tiu'jr s ïemarfcable eucoess hou bcc:i Eiioir'i In ciidog 'Eeaaache, yet Cavter's Lütlo Livar Püla ara eqnally valuablo in Constlpaticn, curin ,; oud pr ven ting thisannoyin(coinplaiDt,whi!oti)r.7 ?a-j Correctalldi8orcicr.sol'thoetoiach,eíoinln al m Jiver and roguiato the bowals. Lvan .ii ihey ou.' íAelietheywonldboalmostpricelessíotboaa wl'.( 6aier f rom this distressing complain t; but f orhi üatelythoirgoodne38doe3 notoud hcro,andtho33 TPhooncotry thom will ünd thoso litilo piüs valufcblo In bo iuany ways that they will not bo -,vü Jing to do without them. But afier aJlick h"3 ACHE ilsthe bane of so many llvea that hcro Is whera 1 vremake our great boast. Our pillscareitwnii'j ethers do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla are very Bmall and Tery easy to take. One or two pills makoa doea. They ere strlctly vegetable and do not gripo or purge, but by their gontle acüon please all v,ho Ueethsm. Invialsat25cents; flveforjl. Eoi'2 fcy drugglsts everywiiero, or sent by mail, ' CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLOOSE. SMALLPRÍGE