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A JUDGE GIVINGTESTIMNY. An Important Case Summed Up A Follows. Chronic Catarrh - Twenty Years - Settlec on Lungs - Could Get No Relief Permanent Cure at Last. New Vienna, Clinton Co., O. Dr. 8. B. Hartman & ('o.- Gents: I take pleasure in testlfying to your medicines. I have used about one bottle and( a half, and can say I ain B ni'W man. Have liad the catari-h about twenty years. Before I kucw what it was it had aettled on my lungs and breast, but can now say I am weXL Was in the army, could get no medicine that would relieve me. Yours truly, W. D. WILLIAMS, Probate Judge for Clinton County. While it is a íact that Pe-ru-na can be relied on to cure chronic catarrh in all stages and varieties, yet it is not offen that it will so quickly cure a caso of long standing as the above. Henee it is U'toat so inany patients fail in; finding & cure because of their unwillingness to continue treatment ong enough. Many people who have had ehronio catarrh ïor five, ten, and even fifteen years, will follow treatment for a few weeks, and then, becanse tlioy are not curcd, give up in lespair andjtry something else. These patients never follow any one treatment long enough to test its merits, and consequently never fintl a cure. t is a well-known law oí Uisease that the longer it has run the more tenaeiously it beeomes l'astened to its victim. The diffieulty witli which catarrh is cure4 has led to the invention of a host of remedies which produce temporary relief only. The unthinking masses expect to find some remedy which will cure them in a few dayg, and to take advantage of this false hope mnay compounds which liave instant but transient effect have been devised. The people try these catarrh cures one after another, but disappointment is the invariable result, until very many sincerely believe that no cure is possible. CATABRH IS A SrSTEMIC DISEASE, and therefore requires persistent internal treatment, somethnes for many months, before a permanent cure is effected. The mucous lining of the cavities of the head, throat, lungs, etc, are made' up of a network of minute blood vessels called capillaries. The capillaries are very small elastic tubes, whïch, all cases of chronie catarrh, are congested or bulged out with blood so long that the elastieity of the tubes is entirely destroyed. The nerves whieh supply these capillaries with vitaüty are called the "vasomotor" nerves. Any medicine to reach the real difficulty and exert the slightest curative action in any case of catarrh must opérate directly on the vaso-motor system of nerves. As soon as these nerves become strengthened and stimulated by the action of a proper remedy they restore to the capilliary vessels of the various cous membranes of the body their normal elasticity. Then, and only then, will the catarrh be permanently cured. Thus it wjll be seen that catarrh is not a blood disease, as many suppose, but rather a diseasa of the mucous blood vessels. This explains why it is that so many excellent blood medicines utterly fail to cure catarrh. Colds, winter coughs, bronchitis, sore throat and pleurisy are all catarrhal affeetions, and consequently are quickly curable by Pe-ru-na. Each bottb of Pe-ru-ua is accompanied by full dircctions for use, and is kept by most druggists. Gret your druggist to order it foi; you if he does not already keep it. A pamphlet on the cause and cure of all catarrhal diseases and consumption seiife free to any address by the The Peruna Medicine Company, Columbus, Ohio. ryi The term here given is one which '"tí was supposed to have been coined - during the late war. It is claimed, Qhowever, that it is an old word revived, perhaps of Swedish origin. lj Be this as it may. there is certainJ ly no word in the Englise language "S that more forcibly expresses the " action of certain pathogenic mip1 crobes which may have f ound their _ way into the blood. after the adJ ministration of Swift's Specific HH Finding this sanguineous medinm rf2 t warm, so to speak, for thei comfort, tlioy "skedaddle" througl the pores'of the skin, leaving the sj'gtem intact. Not only does S. S. S. cause tile elimination of the said microbt'.s nnrt tlie poison produced thereby, but it assists in rebuildlng the waste places of the systera r.eBtilting trom the devitalizing and disintegrating eíteets of the mlcro-organisms aforesaid. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlseases maiU-n ■■ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.