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A Famous Stone Wall

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lñe Kev. benjamin L. Agnew, pasj tor of the Bethlehem Presbyterian i church, córner liroad and Diamond j streets, recently mentioned a fact ' which may be kuown to few, and will ; be of interest to many, says the New i York Press. "Fifty yoars bef ore the war," he I said, "my father. Smith Agnew, lived with his stepfather, the Kev. Dr. Dobbins, in the stone house on the Baltimore pike, a short distance below Gettysburg. At that time he was a lad of seventeen years. Ha took entire charge of the farm, which in some sections was very stony. One day the thought struck him that these stones could be utüized by gathering them and building with them a stone wall. He enlisted the services of a negó who resided in the vicinity, and together thay hauled the etone to the place selected and built the oelebrated stone wall whose name will exist while history lasts." Younff Agnew built his wall with great care, usíjrj large flat stones as binders and fuiing in with smaller ones. littla dreanaing at that time what an important place that wall would occupy in the greatest battle of modern times. It was here that General Pickett's división, headed by his val! iant Virginian, made its memorable charge, and although it was thrown into confusión by the nanking fire of Standard's Vermonters and Doubleday'a división, still pressed forward and at last succeeded in planting a I Confedérate ñag on this wall, only, however, to be driven back with the loss of nearly three-quarters of its number by the Sixty-ninth, Seventyfirst and Seventy-second l'ennsylvania volunteers under General Hancock. After peace had been proclaimed Mr. Agr.ew visited the old homestead and found the old stone-wall standing in almost as good condition as when it had been built