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Cleaning Out The Disreputable Houses

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Yesterday afternoon, Deputy-sherlff Sutheriand and Marshal Murray arrested "Mate" Schatter, who for severaP. ye&rs pas!} lias ke;)t a house of Ul-fame In the nortliern part of the city, known as "the farm." She. was taken before Justice Pond and her examina tiOQ set down u xt M( n 'ay morning. In the mcantimc she Avas given into the custody o( an officer, tho uiidwstanding being tliat if she wlll pack up all her goods and chattels and emigrate to another climp, ridding the city of her presence, the suit wiil n-ot be pressed. Tho officcrs haJ quite a timo making tJio arrest. Soveraï weeks ago comp'aint being made to tho mayor and marehal, the later official notlfied her tlint h(? must go. 8he snit sevetal of hor inniates away, and lelt herself, hut nearly every night she woukl ï-eturiv on the late train. This was repeated for some time, the marshal being unable to catch her here. On Tuesday, he swore out a warrant against lier and it being lrarned that she was in the eity, ycsterday, the papers for her arrest were given to Ofl'icer Sutherland. That official wonf to her house in the afternoon, and notified her that she must go, offering to give her three hours in whieh to Icave the eity for good. The Sehaffer woman intimated that she would go when she got ready and not bcfore. Sutherland came back and saw the Marshal and taking a hack they again went to the hous, There thopfound every door bolt-ed. but finally effected an entranee through a rear door. They searched the house from cellar to garret but were unable to find her. Finally they forced open a closet in a wood-shed in the rear of the house. A number of old dresses himg about, and in the darkest corner böhind a dress skirt, they finally discovered Mrs. Sehaffer and took her into custody. The chances are that she will be willing to leave Ann Arbor forever. If she loes not, the officers will raake it warm for Iher, as another warrant luis been sworn out charging hor with seüllng liquor without a license. Tjhe prisoner is in pretty warm water just at present. It is claimed that ahe has been running a similar place at Jaekson, for which she is now ander arrest and is to be tried nest Monday. The stand now taken by the city officia" is ouc that will be heartily supported by tbe citizens. The rlddanco of the city of all such places is of the greatest importance, for the good name of t'he city and the .Dniversitjr.