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For Over Fifty Years JIrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, soitens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colie, anc is tho best remedy for Diarrtoea Twenty-i'ive cents a bottle. Sold bj all druggists throughout the woi-ld Eisele's Cáncer Speclfic. This celebrated salve and ointment, prepared by Mrs. E. M. Eisele, cures old sores of long standing, fever sores and most varieties of cáncer. As a curative agent Ib has worked wonders to the Joy of the patients and surprise of intelligent physicians. Address Mrs. E. M. Eisele, 12 Catherine street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Enclose postage tam]) for oirculars. CO N FECTÍ Ortf SEÏJY . Hot Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Hot Lemonade, Hot Beef Tea, Sandwiches, Etc. '.ce Cream Soda Dtiring the Winter. WANTEP, FOR SALE, ETC. WANTED- A suite of f urnished rooms, one laige room and and two small ones. Apply at 2 Lawrence St. OKDERS for the Champion Weather strips for doors and Windows mav be lef t or addreesed to M. .T. Furnntn, 28 N. State street. They keep out wind, snow, dust aud rain. 68-7U FOK KENT- The property oecupied by Dr. Flemmlng rarrow No. 56 South University Ave. The house has bath, gas and every conventence. Rentí27.50 per month. Apply to Fleming Carrow. 68- iO ÍOST- Either on Mnin street or on one of the J street cars, Wednesday aftfirnoon, asum of money. A suitablo reward will be paid upon lea ving át J . T. Jacobs & Co's 65-07 17 OR SALE OH -New house, ten rooms, ' wlth all modern con veniences. on Forest avenue. Apply to Henry Richards, V Detroit St. 65 - 67 WANTKD- A girl to help a pants-mftker. Wagner & Co., 21 South Main St. 64tf ii YfarmatScio of 200 arer.s ior sale. I I ' have no boys that will work the ranch, I and I am to old o farm. If not sold bei'ore the ürstof Maren next it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. r?tf TO RENT- House, just outsideof west city limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main Street. ÖR SA LK.- Farm ot torty aerea ai Whitmore Lake, Mich. Good house. Fiveminutes' walk from hotels and post-o(fiee. Excellent oil. Apply to Walter L. Taylor, 90 Broaiway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 59-tf FOR RENT- Two commodious plrnsant flats, with six rooms eaoh in New Hloek on State Street. Enquire at No. 18 South State streef. 6tt-tf. ANN ARBOR NURSERY- Kruit and ornamental trees. Peach and penr a specislty. Grape vlnes, berry Wants, etc. Prlce low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Sprinsr Street.