Sealed Blds. Sealed hids will be received at the City Cl.-rk's office, of the City of Ann Arbor. up to T)ec. lst, 1891, at 4 o'cloek p, tn., for liirhtinir the city with 8(1 are lishts of 2,000 candle power, to run from sun down to 13:30 a. m.. on Philadelphia echedule of moonlijrht liRhting. contract to run for one year. The right to reiect any and all bids is reserved. By order of the Common Uouncil. W. J. MTLLER. City Clerk. , Ann Arbor. Nov. 5th, 1891. -1VE'JtíL2BrA beantifnl and very artlstlc stat nette (full leneth) oí Blaine ClevelandHarrison, McKinley.Whitaoy n?h,Sferl?.?nrSherman' Abraham I.incoln or ïfSÏSrt Washington. Any one of the above dellvered to yonforonedollar. The flenre and ba"e Soom No. 10, g) Dearbom StM Chicago. 111.
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
W. J. Miller