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- ■===- GOLD MEDAPASig, lm Ï. Baker & Cos Breakfast Gocoa from which the ezcess of oil lias been removed, ia Absolutely JPure and it ís Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing strengthening, easily diqested' and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. WBAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. oeta7tícket OF W. P. LODHOLS 4 and 6 Broadway. and you are entitled to a choice of Hip n Instructor or the Life of Gene) al siimm e the Life of P. ï. Barnum PHEE) whe" c1 así purchase to the amount of SS15 has bèeu made IHb HUME INSTRUCTOR m public and prívate. s eM '"& THE UFE AND DEEDS O F W T SHERMAN. 'poHrSitASt 8ÍCkneBS and death : Alcl THE UFE OF P. T. BARNUM THE WORLD RENOWNEO SHOWMAN rRATED. His early Ufe and struirales boM ventures and brilliant success: hig 'onderfuí career hls wit, genius and eloquenoe, his "fe 15 Wilcox Ave., Detroit, Mich. Edúcales youn men and women to maintain themseiveí la mdependence, savc money and accumulate wealth. Business Shorthand Fenmanship. English, Languagc. Elocution aní BOCK BEER A.T NO-5W. HURÓN ST. i H r II K s h ÍS E 1 1 i .5 1 í Q Sí; Ï í í i f b 6 F -f t t r tí b I fe b H U "■ & J l j i Í 8 ff fei y m f 3 á ! TONY SCHIAPPACASSh, NO. 5. N. MAIN STEKT. FRUITS, NUTS and OONFEOTIONEBY TOBACCOSAND OIGARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit MRS. C. H. JONES, UH1BU DKESS-MAKER ! Fourtli St. Opposite Court House kaping and Cutting a Specialij! Mme. Kellogg's French Tallor Syetem used. Perfect work g-uarsnteed. Instruetions in suttingby the Keüor Frenoh Taylor System fiven.