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IpRE INSURANCE. CHiUSTIAN MACK, iKut lor the l'ollowini? Flrsi Class Oompanics, represeiuing over t-weaty-biht MillioD Dollars Ansets, issues polieies at tb e loweBt rate .Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.0(1 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,00 Uerinaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 Americau of K.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. V. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Pbenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 ♦"Special atiention giveo to the insurance ui Iwelhugs, scboola. churcbes and public buildings ij term ot three anl tive venra WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. The Newest Designs! PRICES THE LOWEST AT OSCAR 0. SORG, THE DECORATOE, 7O S_ 3N-flI-A-I3ST ST. H. KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Strekt. 11VERY,HACR AM BAG6AGE 1INE, la the rear of Edward Duffy's grocery store. Hack to all trains, day and night. Orders tor traiii8, parties, wedding-s and funerals promptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich. AGENTS i " ENT1RELY WANTED s NEW BOOK The most wonderful colleetion of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people ever published on the globe. A marvel ol nioney-saving and money-eurning for every one owuing it. Thousands of beautif ui, helptul engravings, showing Justhow todo every thmfr. No competition; nothingr like it in theiiinverse, When you select that whieh is of true valué sales are sure. All sincerely desiring naring employment and lookiui? f orspmet hmg thoroufrhly ñrst-class at an extraordinary low price should write lor description and terms on the most remarkable achievernent in booktnaking since the world began. SCAMMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOUIS or PHILADEJLPHlA.