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Heavy Tax-payers

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Among the matters of interest to the public is the question: Who pay tho taxes in Ann Ai-bor? There are a large number in the city whose taxes will amount to $100 and more, but the greater proportioii of the resldents of Ann Arbor are people of moderate meaos and their taxes are less than $100. A careful perusal of the tax rolls in tïie city treasurer's oiïicr, brings much of interest to lií li t . The total amount of the tax levy this year is $88,849.79, tor the followlog purposes: Scate and county taxes, including rejected taxes and care of city poor at the county house, $15,830.87; city taxes, $89,796i92, made up of the foljowtag: Flve mili tax, $30,950; Universirty hospital boaids and interest, $3,S40; BOldlers' relief fund, $600; repair bridges, etc, $4,000; rejected tax, $15.78; special sidewalk assessments, $90.60; plus of rolls, $100.54; school taxes, $33,222. Besides these $1S9 is aseessed for dogs. The assessmeuts in tlie various wards are as follows, the special sidewalk assessments not being' included: First ward, $28,781.41; second ward, $15,626.73; third ward, $9,003.42; fouith ward, $16,756.11; fifth ward, $2,225.18; .sixth ward, $16,150.56. The taxpayers whose assessments amount to over $100 eac'h, tJiis year, uumber 187. These pay $46,373.65) about $2,000 more than one-half of the entire tax levy for the city, lraving $42,476.14 to be paid by the Other taxpayers, who uumber from 2,300 to 2,400 persons. The large taxpayers are divided as follows: 4 pay over $1,000 each, amounting to $4,712.91; I pays $919.49; 3 pay from $800 to $900 each amountlng to $2,567.55; 5 from $700 to $800 each, amountiug to $3,683.68; 3 from $500 to $600, amouating to $1,702.70; 6 from $400 to $500, amoii'ii'ttng to $2,629.11; 14 from $300 to $400, amounting to $4,831.41; 44 from $200 to $300, amounting to $10,520.49; 37 from $150 to $200, amountdng to $6,385.09; 70 from $100 to $150. aniownting to $8,421.22. The largest amount paid by any person or ïirm is $1,304.86 nd the smallest is 36 cents. Many estates, and not a ew ladies, are ineluded in the list of heavy taxpayers in tihis city, as "vill be si;en by the followhig roll of tliose parties and firms wíl oso uixcs amount to $100 or over. Mack & Schmid, $1,304 80 B. A. Beal estáte, 1,291 65 J. J. Ellis estáte, 1,068 : 1 Wm. M. White, 1,048 11) "VVm. Wagner, 919 49 Lucy W. 8. Morgan estáte, 858 70 Luther James estáte, 8ös 00 Beuben Kempï, 850 85 Uouald Melntyre, 773 63 Eunice J. N. Ford, 757 90 Alpheus Feleh, 736 45 Aun Albor Water Co., 715 00 Mis. Mary L. Gay, 700 70 J. M. Wheeler, 586 30 Ann Albor G;is Co.. 574 86 Mis. Ü. B.Hall, 541 54 L. D. James, 471 90 C. L. Ford, 466 28 A. L. Nowlaiul, 486 15 J. w. Enight, 424 68 J. L. Babcock, 421 85 L. Gruner, 408 26 A. L. Noble, 390 39 F. Ketticli, Sr.. 378 95 Mm. Elizabeth Royar, 372 80 F. L. Parker, 868 34 J. T. Jacobs, 350 07 Daniel Hiscock, 352 11 A. W. Ilamiltoi), 351 41 Ann Avbor Ï.-H. Electric Co., 338 16 C. Mack, 336 50 C.Eberbach, 329 26 H. W. Bogers estáte, 327 57 Ilenry Cornwell, 314 90 Dean & Co., 313 17 Chas. Fantle, 301 72 ïïm. McCreery, 297 44 W. T5. Smith, 2i)7 00 J. M. Swift&Co., 289 66 Edwin Packanl. 286 00 Heiuy Cornwell, 277 05 Win. "Burke, 275 85 Luick Bros., i:7.r 26 Michigan Furnitiue Co., 271 66 Mis M. Lukins, 271 70 S. G. MUler 271 70 A B. Falmer estáte, 2ö4 55 S W. ïwitchell, 263 12 Sarah F. Vaughan, 260 26 Micliael Stabler, 253 11 Moses Sfabolt, 252 74 ]'. W. Cheever, 247 02 J Tl angsterfer estáte, 246 9I Miss Ellen Morse, 243 10 Edward Treadwell, 248 10 Win. 1'. (iroves, 243 10 David Hinsey, 239 51 Cari Kominger, 230 15 F. G. Sehleiclier, 235 95 F. Vanderwarker, 234 09 Vlrs. II. L. Sackett estáte, 231 66 D. II. Kichmond, 230 23 il. ï. Morton, 224 51 D. K. E. fraternity, 221 85 3wathel, Keyer &Peterson, 221 65 f. T. Hallock estáte, 218 77 kna Arbor Street R'y Co., 214 50 S. F. Mills & Co., 214 50 liach, Abel & Co.. 214 50 i'. Bach, 214 50 h D. Duncan, 210 21 J. F. Lawrence, 206 92 IA. Polhemus, 204 49 t M. Hamilton, 204 49 I. II. Nickela, 203 06 Wm. Allaby, 203 06 I . E. Beal, 203 06 Miss C. A. Sager, 200 20 A-iin Arbor Agricultural Co., 200 20 Itebecca Heuriques estáte, 200 20 iiyrou Cheever estáte, 197 34 f. M. Cooley, 195 91 Wm. Aprill, 193 05 r. J. Keech, 191 64 A.mbrose Kearuey, 190 19 F. Schmid, 188 76 Mrs. E. A. Rathbone, 188 76 A.retus Dunn, 186 90 Escanala N. Green, 185 90 J. Ï.Jacobs & Co., 185 90 Sehairer & Millen, 185 90 John Haarar, 185 90 E. S. Worden, 186 17 M. II. Goodrich, 183 81 Mlmendinger & Schneider, 183 04 Louisa Schmid estáte, 174 46 Mrs. Carde Ellis, 172 60 Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, 171 60 Mrs. J. Evans estáte, 171 60 J. A. Jacox, 171 60 Louis Blitz, 171 60 Mrs, Louisa Behr, 171 CO E. Manu estáte, 168 74 Wm. Arnold, 166 58 I. W. Ilenümui, 164 4-5 A. D. Seyler, 161 59 C. E, Hiscoek, 160 86 Julin Goetz, Sr., 159 73 Mrs. 8. W. Hunt, 157 30 C. Behr estáte, 157 30 Mrs. Geo. S. Morris, 157 30 Mrs. II. Wing, 150 15 W. S. Ferry, 150 15 Mrs. M. H. Wells, 150 15 Mrs. M. Maynard, 150 15 John G. Koch, 150 15 W. W. Whedon, 150 14 J. V. Sheehan, 147 29 Hut.el &Co., 145 83 J. E. Miner, 145 43 D. F. Scüairer, 145 13 James Clements, 144 00 Knisey & Seabolt. 143 00 W. I). Harriman, 143 00 Mrs. II. Neal, 143 00 Groodspeed & Sons, 143 00 Herman Hardinghouse, 135 86 Sylvia E. ömith, 135 14 Mir. Adelia Cheever, 134 42 Jas. Clancy estáte, 132 99 Jacob Laubengayer, 130 13 V. M. Spalding, 128 70 A. .1. Sawyer. 128 70 TheMissesPrieze, 128 70 S. Botsford, guardián, 128 70 First National Bank, 128 70 Psi Upsilon fraternity. 128 70 R. C. Scott, 128 70 Miss Smith and Mrs. Lukins, 128 70 Mrs. Wm. Waldron, 128 70 Mrs. AgathaHelber. 128 70 Geo.Clarken, 127 27 C. E. Greene, 127 27 James ïolbert, 124 41 Eberbacli&Son, 123 34 E. D.Kinne, 122 98 George Wahr, 121 55 Emanuel Wagner, 121 55 Win. C. Stevens, 121 55 ïeressa Slatery estáte, 121 55 E. H. Scott, 121 55 Hornee Carpen ter, 118 69 2. H. Worden, 117 96 John Ptisterer. 116 83 A.. B. Prescott, 116 s: O. M. Martin. lió 83 V. Winchell estáte, 115 40 Helen Keyiiolds, 114 40 Mrs. Martlia Sheetaan, 114 40 Chas. R. Whitman, 114 40 H. J. Brown, 114 40 Mrs. Mary Fislier estáte 114 40 Miss E. C. Allmeudiner, 114 40 II. G. Prettyman, 114 35 I,. C. Risdon estáte, 112 7 ( '.liarles Snoor. 111 SJ George Haller. 111 54 ,). J. Goodyear, 1J.I 54 Wines& Worden, lio 11 W. II. Melntyre, 110 11 John Buik. 110 11 Herman Krnpf, 107 25 Miss M. Keamey, 107 25 Fïisqtii'llr & llen'nequin estáte. 107 25 V. J. Öoóth, 107 26 J. M.Reitihart, 105 82 J. D. Baldwin estáte, L06 1)9 C. Walker estáte. 104 39 S. Bosehthaler, 104 39 S. 1). Allen. 102 96 Wesley Hioks, 101 53 Sarah 'E. Rice, 100 10 George Sizer. 100 10 Koch & Henne, 100 10 Mrs. Mina Sheeley, 100 10 John C. Schmid, Jr., 100 10 A. M. Clark. 100 10 Total, $46,373 65