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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. I?OR KENT- House and Lot, with liam, well and eister , i'or $12.öti a month, Loeated at25Spiingst. Apply to E. Claney. 70- 73 FÜK SALE- Five acres on West Hurón stroe'. Goooii hous1, lam, or'linnl. lioautiful looation, U'ill sell on easy Apply to or address E. D. Davie, West Huion street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Totl' TO RENT- Five unfurnished rooms at 10 E. Washington st. 70-72 FOK SALK- i Horses. 3 Cows, 3 Wagons, 1 Doublé Carriags. 1 Buggy, 1 Holler, 1 Horee Itake, 1 Drill. 8 Plonghs, 2 Drags, 2 Oultivators. 1 Cutter. 1 Bob Sleigh, 8 Doublé Harness. :! Single ïïarness. Enquire at ' Manu's Drug store, Aun Arbor. ÏOtf LOST- Friday, Nov.. 27. Black Shepherd dog with tan colored lejrs and spots over eyes, answers to name of Snep. Keward for same at E P. Cook's Livery Barn, Ann Arbor. 70-72 BUY your wood at the sawinill and save mon;y. Cord and stove wood onstantly on hand. Cor. Hiil and Packard St. F. M. Hallock. 6rt -71 t WANTED- A suite of furnished rooms, one large room and aud two small ones. Apply at 'i Lawrence St. A GENTS' WANTED.- Gentleman or lady, in every city, and village in Michigan, where not represented, to bny and sell our fumous Orííans, Symphoniap, Pueuniatic Symphonys (Self-Playiiijr Orgaus), eic For our Organs, catalopues, or an aifency, only address our State Agent, N VanDerwerken, Manchester Mioh. THE WILCOX & WHITE OKGAN CO Please inetition this paper. ORDERS for the Champion Weatber strips for door8 and Windows niav be left or addressed to M. J. Furnum, 28 N. State street. They keep out wind, snow, dust and rain. 6H-70 FOK KENT- Tho property occupied by Dr. Flemmlng i arrow No. 56 South University Ave. The house has bath, gas and every convenience. Hent27.50 per month. Apply to Fleming Carrow. 68- 70 FpOR SALE OK -New house, ten rooms, with all modern convenieaces. on Forest avenue. Apply to Hcnry Richards, 9 Detroit St. rLWANTED- A girl to help a pants-maker. Wagner & Có., 21 South Main St. 64tf i,i Y farm at Seio of 200 aren' for sale. I V! havenoboy8 that wil] work the ranch, and I am to old to farm. If not sold before the flrstof Marcb next t is to reut. Geo A. Peters . J2tf 'PO HENT- Hou.-e, lust outside of west city 3 11 mits. Inquire at 72 S. Main stroet FOÏt RALK. - Farm of fort.v ucivs nr. Wlntmorü Lnkc, Mich. Good house. Fiveminutes' walk f rom hotels and post-mlicn. Excellent oil. Apply to Wiilter l,. T.iylor, 90 Broadway, Ann Arbor, Mich. 59-tf FOK RENT- Two commodious pleasant nats, with six rooms eaoh In New Block on State street. Enquire at No. 18 South State street. 06- tf. A NN ARBOR NTJRSERY- Fruit and orna■'■ muntal trees. Peachandpear a specialty. Grape viues, berry plants, etc. Priee low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. fl.L.Jl November 15, 1891. Ml}, Lansine and Northern Railroad, A.M. P M. P.M. P.M. Leave Howell 10:16 3:4ö! 8;59 Arr. South Lyon 10:4 Plymouth 11:11 9:54 Detroit „_ _13j00_5 :1U 10:40 Leave Howell 9:00 13:43 6:45 7:53 Arr. Lans! 11 ff 10:05 1 :S0 8:05 8:18 ü rn nd Ledge... 10:311 2:30 8:82 8:40 " J.ake Odessa ... 11:10 9:15 11 Grand 13:11) 10:15 "'■' Ionia 11:85 3:45 9:40 ...... P.M Greoiiville 12 32 4:58 10:37 _ ' ' Howard City... 1:10 5:36 1 1:20 Vast train leaves Detroit 1:15 p m, Howell " :"7 p m, arrive at Lansinjr 3:26 p m. Grand Rapios 5:15 p m. Leave Grand Kapidsl:00 p in, arrive at Lansing 2:55 p in, Howell 3:45 p m, Detroit 5:10 p ni. Parlor Cars 011 all trai n s between Detroit and Grand Hapids. Seats, 25c tor uny distanoe, f Li'm II November 15, 1891. Mgö and West Michigan RailwyA.M. P.M. P.M, P. M . Leave Grand Rapids.. 9:00 12;06 5:30 8:30 Arr. Holland 9:66 12:45 6:25 9:30 Grand Haven.. 10:37 3:4 7:05 10:13 Muskeg-on 11:05: 4:15 7:35 10:46 A M. PM. Leave Grand Rapids 7:25 5:17 Arr. Newayfro )i:52 6:49 White Cloiid 9:17 7:15 Hip Rapids 10:45 8:15 Kaldwin 10:251 8:34 " Ludingtou via p.m. F, &P.M 2:00 D:20 " Manisteevia M. &N. K 12:20 10:22 Traverse City 12:45 10:59 'Daily. Ottaer trains week dnys only. Free Chair ears between Grand Kapids and Manistee. Leave Grand Rapid.i 5 17 p. M. The "Favorites" between Detroit-, Grand Rapids and all poitits in Western and Northern Michigan. GEO. DrHAVEN, General Passenger Agent. THE SONG OF THE "No. 9." My dress is of fine polished oak, As rich as the finest fur cloak, And for handsome design You just should see mine- No. 9, No. 9. I'm beloved by the poor and the rich, For both I impartially stitch ; ïn the cabiu I shine, In the mansion I'm fine - No. 9. No. 9. I never get surly nor tired, With zeal I always am flred ; To hard work I incline, For rest I ne'er piue- No. 9, No. 9. I am easily pui-chased by all, V'ith instalments that inonthly do fall; And when I am thine, Then life is benign- No. 9, No. 9. To the Paris Exposition I went, Upon getting the Grand Prize intent; I left all behind, The Grand Prize was mine- No. 9, No. 9. _____ At the Universal Exposition of 1889, at Paris, "ranee, the best sewing machines of the world, ! Dcluding those of America, were in competitlon. 'hey were passed upon by a jury composed of he best foreign mechanical' experts, two of whom ■ere the leading sewing machine manufacturers f France. This jury, after exhaustivo ' on and tests, adjudged that the Wheeler & Wilson machines were the best of all, tind awardd that eompany the highest prize offered- the GRAND PRIZE- giving other companies only old, silver and bronze medals. The French governmeut, as a further , on of superiority, decorated Mr. Ns'.lianiel Wheeler, president of the eompany, with the ' ross of the Legión of Honor- the most prized onor of France. The No. 9, for family use, and the No, 12, for manufacturing uses, are the best in the world o-day. And now, when you. want p. sewing machine, if " ou do not get the best it will be your own fauk. Ask your sewing machine dealer for the No. 9 'heeler & Wilson machine. If he does 11' t keep " ïem, write to us for descriptivo catalogue anö ' erais. Ajrenis wanted in r.ll mionciiniei) terriory. WHEEI.EK & WILSON JJFG. CO. Chicago, 1U. I rOR SALE BY Michael Staebler, Aun Arbor, Midi.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News