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T. J. Keecli is on the sick list. Walter Mack was at Detroit anc Toledo, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shaw lelt' Mon day for Boston. Mi. Dr. McLachlan lias Deen spending a week in Detroit. Kailroad Commissioner Whitman was at Lansing Tuesday. John Neary, of Howell, spent Wednesday with his nephew, J. N. Kiley. Bhilip Bacli has been confined to his house lor the past week with sickness. Oscar Schmid, of Jackson, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Schmid. MrB. T. Swathel returned from New York cm. Wednesday, after a visit of six weeks. J. C. Watts, of Bast Saginaw, spent Beveral days week with his faniily in thls city. W. W. Lovett, of Detroit, spent Sunday as the gust oí Mrs. Craig, on N. División street. Ferd Bliss, of New York, spent Suunday with his mot lier, Mrs. A. C. Freer, on Williams sti-cct. Dr. Quarry, of South Forks, North Dakota, lias been visiting "uis cousin, J. J. Quarry, this week. Mrs. "Win. N. I'errine, of Buffalo, Tí. Y., was the guest of her uuUe., Martin Clark, last week. Miss Ida Nealy, of Dtlca, N. Y., has been visiting Mr. and Mrs, H. Woodward, on I'ackarU street. Mrs. Howard, of Lansing, is visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Clark60U, on South IMfth avenue . Miases Alta Porter and Jennie Bordin', of Dundee, visited Miss Mina Shaw, of Hiscock street, Tuesday. Saín Laugsdorf is at St. Louis, Mo., spending a week with liis parents. Chas. A. Kaiohen, of Detroit, was in he city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Green, of Homer, who have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. L. H. Clement, returned horne Monday. Dr. and Mr. Thomas, of Allegan, are spending the week in this city. Jas. N. Kiley spent Sunday with íriends iu Detroit. Mrs. T. C. Pihillips, wlK) has beea visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Whedon, returned to "Milwaukee, Tuesday. Congressman Gorman was taken ill at Washington and startod for Michigan, Wednesday, to stay until after the holidays. Miss Short, of Manchester, attended the concert, Wednesday evening. She was a guest of Mrs. S. W. Clarkson while in the city. W. II. Price, teller at the First National Bank, lias been on the sick I list ïor the past week, his place being temporarily Ulied by ('asliicr Clarkson. Henry Platt, C. Carpenter, and John ■ McDougall lêit iiore Monday for : siug to attend the meeting of the State ] Grange, which is in session there this j week. Fred Eberbacih has returned from Kalkaska, wliere he has been for a number of months, and has .accepted a positioai ia the dental office of Dr. W. W. Nichols. Mrs. Zoavus Burd goes this week to ingTerra Haute, Iud., to attend the wedding of her grand-daughter, Miss Minnie Royce, a young lady who forïuerly attended school iere and is well Irnown in the city. Mik. Molony, Mrs. Ohnstead, Mrs. Don M. Dickinson, Mrs. Clara James, Mrs. Margaret Batty amd Miss Cathaleen Trowbridge accompanied the i-eremains oí Miss Jane E. Brigham from Detroit, on Wednesdny afternoon. , noon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News