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Wm. Reinhardt & Co Agent

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Ask my agents for W. L. Douglas Shoe. f uot tor sale in jour place unit jour .ealer to send for cntnlotcuei secure tho nïency, umi aet tbem lor yon, HTTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. _a FOR flLN ■ƒ '%-W F0RÏ ÍK WHY IS THE W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTIEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEÏ.' It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best (Ine calf, st.vlish and easy, and bccausc u-e 7tiake more ahnes af thte tirade, thayiany other mamifaeturer, it eiiuuls baudsewed Büoea CO0ttag froin SI.OU to $5.00. &fi 00 (niiint1 lland-sewrd, Che flnest cal. Pi, shoe ever ulTcrect for $5.U0; equals French imported shoos whlch cost from SS.Oi) to su (H) 3RA 00 Hand-8ewed Welt Shoe, calf, J. st.vlish, comfortable and durablo. The bent shoe over offered at thls price ; same grade as custoni-made Bhoes GOSting frum Sfi.iN) to $!).0O. CO 30 I'oliee Slioe; Farmera, Kailroad Ken 7aJ. and Letter Carriers all wrarthcni; Hneealf, seamless, smooth Inslde heavy thrce solea extensión edse. One pair wlll vs'ear ayear. OJO JO fine cnll'; n heller shoe ever offcred at iStmmm this prlco; 0110 trial wlll eouvlnce thoso who v,-;mt a sliue fqr comfort and service. EC Ü.5 and S-2.M0 Woikiniriiin h'm shoes iO.. are vcry strung and durable. Those who nave given thein a trial wlll wear no other make. IflVc' S'-í.OO and S1.7. school shoea are iájijjo woru by the boys everywhere; theysell o 1 tiielr merits, as the lucre&siQg Bares show. Í al ac S:{.Stó ünnd-sewed tiic, best &3-'- lö Donfïola, vervstyllsh: equalsFreuch mportod shoes costlug from Í4.00 to ti.UO. Ladlea' a.50, Ï2.00 and S!. 73 shoe for U Isses ;ire the best line Dongola. St.vlish and durable. t iiulion.- See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped on th; bnttom of cat-Ii shoe. W I. IlOTTíit.AR nr.ílrtr.ii Vn


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