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1 1" WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. i tLaborers j and all troubled with i iit Ipatlon or Slck Headache will find a prompt, safe and cconomical cure in a dosc of BEEGHAM'S! h PI C II y ■ ■ Ui i ■ m m ■ ( i A specific {or all Bilious nd Nerrous ] ! orders, arisintr ftom Impalred Digestión, ' Constipatlon, Disordered Lirer, etc. ! Of all druggists. Price 25 cents a box. ' J I New York Depot, 365 Canal St 28 ) WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOR RENT Olí ON SHARES.-My farm of 450 aereo, of whioh u'50 acres is plowed land. Situated on the base line bttn-eeu Webster and Humbiiifj Intiuiro on the farm of Mrs. John liunlavv or uf Thomas G. Wallaee, Seotion 81, Northrleld 73-78 rpwo NSW Milch Cows loríale. James (J, -1 Alleu, 2 miles norih ,f City. 73-75 LOST- On Sunday evenintr, between Hangsterl'er Füoekaríd M. G. depot. 1 rol] ol blffs amouutiiiK loabout füí.'.OO. FinderwllJ reeeive liberal rewarrl by leaving them at the drgus office. FOR SALE- A span of lavare horses wejghlng lSfjOpoundseach, ajíed four and fiveyears' Seo P. H. Scully at the new hospital. 7á-74 FOR SALE- Three and desirable houses cheap. D. A. Fray, ofliee C. H. Kline, city. 72- M YOUNG MAN, 21. wants Situation in Store, or any other employnient. Address, Eddie 88 East Uuiversity Avenue. 72-74 FOR SALE- A large houe and alsolotson Hurón St. Inq. of Alrs. A. Eisele, 33 N. óth Ave. Aun Arbor. 72-74 FOR SALE- Five aeres on West Hurón Street. Goood liouee, barn, orclnirdiíeautiful location. Will sell on easy let-uis. Apply to 01; address E. D. Davie, West Hurón Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70tl' FOK SALE- 4 Horsea, 8 Cows, 3 Wagons, 1 Doublé Carriags. 1 Bupg-y, 1 Roller, 1 Horse Kake, 1 Drill, 8 Piougha, :i Prii(rs, a Cu) ti vators, 1 Cutter. 1 Bob Sleijíli, ' Doublé Harness. 2 Sing-le HaniPss. Enquire .at Manu's Drug store, Ann Arbor. 70tf AGBNT8 WANTED.-GentlVmiin or lady, in every city, and villaje ín Michigan, where not represented, to buy and scll our famous Oreans, Syniphonias, Pneumatic Symphonys (Self-Playiug Orff&ii8), etc. -For our Org:aní, catalogues, or au atreney, only address our State Agent, N VanDerwerken. Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE OUGAN CO Please mention thls paper. L 'OR SALE OR -New house, ten rooms, " with all modern eonvenieoces. on Forest avenue. Apply to Ilenry Richards, 9 Detroit St. WAVTED- A girl to help a pauts-maker. Wagner & Co., 21 South vlain St. (4tf i f farm at Solo of ?00 arcr"s lor sale. I ' have no boys tbat will wort the ranch, andlamtooKl 'o farm. i f not soid luí, ■■ theflrstof March next ít is trj rent. Qeo .■. . Peters Ktf "O KENT- Houe, just outaldeof west city liinits. Inquirc at 72 S. Hala Street !OR SALE.- Farro of forty acres at Whitmore L:ike. Mich. Good house. Fiverniníites' walk from hotels atui postx fflie. Excellent oil. Apply Ik Walter L. Taylor, B0 Broadway, Aun Albor, Mich. 59-tf t NN ARBOR NUKSHKY- Fruit ana ornar ■ muutjil trees. Pofteh and pear a special t'. Grapo vines, berry oíante, etc. Price low. Jacub GanzhorQ. head of street. F0R25T H1LL GEXETffiY COXPAOT. The Annual Meeting of ForeBt Hill Cemotery Company of Adu Arbor, for the election of three Trustees and the tranejiction of such other business as may come before it, will be held on Tuesday. January 5, 18H2, at ten o'clock a m., at the office of the C'lerk of said Company, No. (S North Main Street. ELI HU B. PONO, Cleik. Bated, Ann Arbor, Dec, 22. 1892. ' __ j Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Road Company. The annual meeting of the Ann Arbor and LorH Plank Road Company for the electiun of directora tor the ensulDg year, and for such other business as may properly comp betore the meeting, will be held at. the oftice of tbe Company at the toll-frate in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueídaj, Jauuary 5. 1892, it two o'clock p. m. geo;f. rosh President. Ann Arbor, Dec. 14, 189Í. FREDEEICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all salea on short rcotice at reasonable charles. For further partieulara oall at tbe AroT78oLBoo. $ f I f f; f 11 i i ihe Larprcst Gold Mine . MffïïM!5!! ñ9$ the Larpest 8)1 ver Mines. mm Wamasr: Has Extensive Grazing; Ranges. Fine Timber Belts, Wide Agricultural Val ley s. Is lareer tbnn New Enjíland, New York, Pennsylvauia, New Jersey and Delaware comblned. The Gre;it Northorn Hailway is thpdirect line trom St. Paul and Minneapolis to Ureat Falls, Monarch, Neibart, liarker, Helena, Butte and other Montana points. Apply to your homo ' railway airent for tickets over the Givat Northern. t nim tlü Dot wisn to blow Into LFND them, but merely whisper that the Ked Kiver Valley ollers fine indnceineuts for home seekerg, YL as also the entire región alón.' the Great Northern Hailway throunh Minnesota, North üaYÜUR kota "ud Montuna. For Maps, Guide Rooks, etc, apply to F. I. Whitnky, G. P. & T. A., t. i EARS Paul, Minn, or to yonr nearest railway agent, Insomestates the j tmp YOUNG raöois two and ( ' nE, ten three to one in i ni imo _ .„„ , favor of the men. ! TUUNÜ WOMEN, The best route froin mpn St. Paul, Wit IN nn olis. Duluth and ADr-oii-r GO West Superior to AKLUUI ! the Northwestern tljprf WFÏT I and Paciüc States is ' ncttL ïkcoi . via the Great j wr.w l thernKailway. ; '"W. Farms can be had in 1 sota and North Dakotu on erop mand other plans io snit pinchasers. No failure of crops in twelve years of seltlement Lare yields of wheat and other ppn Btaplea. Fine stock reg-ion. '■ï-' Good schools und churehes. Healthful climate. Great Markets within easyreaeh. Fanns RIVFR Pni for 1ro'" ''"' proceeds of ■ ■■ one cl0,,_ Highfst priees paid for produot8 The G-reat Northem Hailway bas three lines VALLEY through the Valley. Address V. W. Draden, Land Commissioner, St. Pauli Minn. for particulars. ABOÜfA GREAT "cÖÜKÏRYT Maps and publications sent free, and lettere askinff information about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answered by F. I Whitney, G. P. & T. A ., Great Northern Kailway, St. Paul. Tickets to allpoiutsin the West. bowest rutes to the Paciüc Coast. k 'ê i I ;ú I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News