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I NE SS DIRECTORY. j A. MAC LACKLAN, M. Xt m- ases n!" the liYE, KAK, NOSB and THBOA.T OHi' In Hangsterfer Block. Uesidence 28 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. SLIHU B. rFOISTID, JUSTICE OF THE 1JEACB A'd Sotiy Public. Conveyanclnir lono umi UK VI I'IOTATK bougrht and 8!d'on coiimiisBton. Patronagrosoltoited. No. ti N. Mainbt. ATTORNEYS. !). CIUMEK. S, CH.VMKK. pRAMEK & CRAMEK, ATTO1ÍSEYS AT I.VW. Ofl a' Front room over First National Bank. AUN AIÍI'.OIÍ, MH.'ll. . NOBR1F Attornky at Law. Ütjea a general lawcollectionand coriveyanc ote uinineBs. A moderato share of yourpat imus respectfully solicite'.i. Otiico i(i tli 'ourt House. R. WILLIAMS, Attornsv at Law and Pension Chin Attomev, MILÁN, MICH. Conveyaucing and Collections. DENTISTS. r OUIS P. HACL, MEJSTISX. Office Soutb Sute street. Over 8heolian8 liock store. H mis 'Ja. m. toliand-.' p. in. to 5 p. ï'i. M' W. NlCHOí.S D. D„ DENTIST. !n Die oid St. .Turnes Hotel Blook. "l'oeth extruotort witbout pain by tl' nsc "! ritiilizx-dair. C.N1CHOLS. Lateof Niohols Bros. Over Adafns's Bazaar No. J3 South Main Etreet. AGENTS 1 ENTIRELY WANTED Tri I NEW BOüK Themo6t woadorful collection of practical, real valué and every-day use for the people i ever publisbed on the iilobe. A marvel of money-saviniL,' and for every one owning it. Thousands of bcaut ii'ul, belpful BnirraOtngs, showinif jnsthowto Jo every tliinp. No oompetitiou; nothintf l'ke it in theuuiveise, When you select that which is oltrue valué, sales ufe sure. All glncerely deairinif paylngsniployinentaDdlookliiirforsomethlng höronshiy flrst-olasa ut nn extranrdinary low price. sliould write for description and terms ou the most remarkable noluevement iu bookmaklDg l nee the world besan. SCAMMELL & CO.. Box 5003 ST. LOÜI8 or PHILAÜKLPHÍA. m ui ui w run. Pears and Grapes a Specialty Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers From Ellwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYKUPS, MEDICINAL WINES KASPBERRY SYRÜPS, HONESET., DAHDEUON AND OTHEE DOMESTIC GRAPEWINES Prepared Espeeially for Inralide. Pure Plytnouth Rock ïïggs.3, E. BAUR, West Huroa St. REPORT OF THE CONDITION ti m in m, -OV-ANN ARBOR, ÍVJICH., At Ann Arbor. in the State of Midieran, at the close of business December 2nd, 1891. resources. Loans anti üscouuts, $341,220 ül Overdrafte, - .-u 10 U. S. Bondsto secure eirculation, 26,000 i'd Other stock, bouds and mortgages, . . 7,200 00 Due l'roni approvcil reserve ajrents, . SS.SfiJ BI Duo from stilte Bank and Bankers,.. 7,687 43 Premiums paid 4J5O0 03 Real estáte, furniturc and üxtures... 18950 00 Current expenses and taxes paid - 2,M!.") IS5 ('heclss and other cash items fiT3 24 ISill of other National Banks. 3,;il2 00 Fractional Currency uncludius: niekels) IM 5 Specie (inoludintc gold Treasury notes) 18,067 15 Ijeif al-tender uotes, ),Ö" 00 Kedemption l'und with U. S. Treasurer (5 percent of eirculation).-1,125 40 Total $47a,8! 80 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .IOO.uon 00 Surplus fund lT.iW) co Other undivided prottts 89,864 46 National Bank notes outstaudin, ... 22,50(1 00 Dividends unnaid 40 00 Individual Deposits subject to check, 196,372 83 Deinand certificaten of deposlt 85,541(11 Certifled Checks 180 00 Total $47;!,62S 00 STATE OF MICHIGAN, I Countyof Waahtenaw, f I, SldneyW. Clarkson, Cashierof toe above named solemniy swearthat tlie above statement is mie to tho best of my knowlcdse and belief . S. W. CLARKSON, Cashier. Subscrihed and sworn to before me, this sixteenth day of D mber, ls'.H. .inHNQ. A. 9BS8IONS, Notary Public. OORKECT- Attest: JOHN M. WIIKELKR, HENRY COKNWEIjL, - DJl HM McCBEERT, t TONY SCHIPPACASSb, NO. 5. N. MAIN STEET. i FEUITS, BUTS and OONPEOTIOÏTERY TOISACCOS AND OIGARS, Oyster3 and all kinds of fruit AL"WATS O2ÍT HAND


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News