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ReM Estáte For Sale. QTAÏE OF MICHIGAN, COTJNTY O f Waahteimw, 89. In the uuiattei n1 the Estáte ol ' liornas Keeclle l hereby priven that in pursimmv di-mi order (rranted to uudeisignei admintstmtO" ■( the Retnte of bad TEom 18 K i bj the Hon. JudBe of Pfobate ti.r tlieCouDty of Washtenaw, on the 2Ünd day ol Deoember. A. D. 18fll. there wt.. be sold :it Publio Vonclue, to hürbest bidder, al the Easi front door 61 the Court Roufeln the City oi Aun Arbor lu the County of Washwnaw in saiii sut-.-. on Monday tne 15th day at Pebruary A. D. 18, a' 10 oclwk m the forenoon of that ctey (subject to hu enoumbranoes by mortjuge or otherwise exIstlDg at the time of the death of saiil deoeased) thfi fi 11 wlng dcsor:ied Uonl Kstate. to-wlt: The Wet balfof the North half of the West half of the Sonth-Eant iuarter of seotloo Number twehty elx (26) in the townahlp ol Aun Arbor, Waehtonaw County, Mlohlgan. v. JLi.lAM K C&ILD8, DatPil Tieo. 22. 1W1. Admlnl tUor Notice to Creditors. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ O,,! Waalitenaw.M. Notieeis heren) given, that by .ir. order ol the Probate C'ourt tor 1 1 1 -. Countyol W.i-lüi '!■:. ..11 tin' Kil 11 diiy ot D.":mliei A. D. 1691, six oionthsfroin thntdute weie aliowed fororedliora to prawmt their olatm anioil the sítate ut Aiviii r.uiiting. Inte of unid cuanty i, mul ihat. uil creditor of saiil deceased n requirecl ta presen their el losaid lrciii]tf i'i.m-1 at tbe Protiate oflUie ia city of Ann Arlior, ttyr rx;nmn. I Ion :ui'i nlln-. on'or licToro the lililí riiiy of Juné tiext. and that sucli clniins beard before aid Uourt, on TliuTüday the lOih ilay ol Marcb and on Ftlday Mth day of June next, at tuu o'click in tlie ioreuoou of ench of atd dayi Dated, Aun Arbor. ri-ci"mbi'i lflth, E 189L J. WILLARD BABB1TT, JudgeofPiobatf. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of WahtepW. ïhe undersiuned Jiavinsc )een jppointed ly the l'rohate Court for said Jouuty, cotmmssioncra tu recfive, examine and idjust'all elmnis aud detuands of ail persons igauutthe estatu of John Crandal, !ate of said ■ounty, lieceaBed, hereby trive notice that six tnonths froni date are allowed, by order of said Probate ('ourt lor creditorato present their claim, ïgainstthe c-state of unid r.t'ceased. ind that tht-y will meet at the residente of Wüliam Murray inSal'tn.In said county, on Friday, the fourth day of Mareh, aud ou Saturdav, the fourth a:ij of June next, ftt ten o'clock a. m. ot each of afiid davb to receive, examine and aujust said claim. Dated DicemlioMth, 1MM. W [LLIAM MURRAÏ, JOHN WATKKM N. ( ïommiflslon ■ Commissioners' Notice. STATKOF MICHIGAN, COUNTY' of Wuhtenaw, The nndersiqned hariux been npimintvd by the Probate Court for Connty, CominissiooerB to receive, exainiDe and adiiist .11 i'l:uiiis lui demands of all persoDs agniiist the estáte "t Dwiülit B. Tato, lateotaüiil ooudtj deoensed, herebjaWe notice tlm kíx montos from date are a)lowed,byorderof t-.ii'i Probitt' Court, lor oreditorsto present their claims againatthe estuie of aid docouod, nn.l thal ihej will meet at tli' weMenc of l mmet O. A] min the township of Bridewator ia nid county, on Krldny, the fourth dáy ot Mavch, and on Batuvday, the fourth dtty of June next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each Of s i,l Ih-h, to reeeive, examine and adjnut sjiirl claims. Dntec:, December 4„ 1891. .1 IMES BENHAM, E M 11 ET o. ALLEN, Coiauiixsioners. Estáte of Leonora Kelly STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜUNTY of Waahtenaw, sh. At a session of tbe Probato Court for theCouuty of Vanhtonttw.lioldenat thi Prabate Office in th City of Aun Arbor, ou Friclay, the eixüi da y nf November, in 1 1yearone thousund eisrhl hundred and Diiiety-ODe. l'resent. J.Willttrd línbbitt, Judga of Probiie. lu tlio matlor ui' the estáte f Leonora Kelly, deceased. en reading and fllina tlu'pfiition.dnly verified, ofElizaheth {,, Kendull, praying (hnt urtminiítratinn of Hiñ'l est ata muy be euuited to Joscpli 0. JVlcKee, or gome otber suitnbld'peraon Thercupon it is ovdereú, that Monday, Ihe lltb day of Jaouary, uext, at ten o'cloek in thn forfcDOoü, lu ustticneíl for tbe heartue of said petltion, and that the helrs al law or aaid deceased and all otner perune rnteronlod ín aaiü estáte, aretequtred to Hppear ata t-epsior of saiil (Jonrt, tb?n to be Lolden at the Probate Oífice, in he cuy of Aun Arbor, and phow caure, f any tbeo bn, why thfl ptnyer of th etitioner shoulJ uot bo grauwe. And ii ti furt lier orde red, Lhnt snid pe ti t toner glv no tice to tbe persons iuierested in wiid esiattoftbe ptudeney ol said petition, and the tiearing thereot, bvcausiiig a copy of thís order to be published in the Ann Akbob AROt9, a newspivper pnntedand circuiated in said County, three succebsive weeka prerioiifl to anid dny of he;irÍnK. J. WILLAKD BABBITT, I A truecopv] Judjre of Probate. Wiluam (i. ftoTY. Probate Register. Notice t Creditors. l,TATE OF MICHIGAN OOUN'TY OF ïi Washtenaw, ss. Notice is hcreby eiven, thatby au order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on tbe third lay of December, A. D. 13j1. ix months from tlint dute weru allowed forereditors to present their claims apiiost tbe estáte of T. Dwiffht Townseud. late of said county, deteased, and tlmt all creditoiH of said deceased are requircd to present tbeir claims tooaid Probate Conrt.attlie Probate OfBce iu tbe city of Ann Arborf for examination and allowance, on or before the third day of Juut' next, and tliat sueli clalmi will he heaid belore saitl Court, on Tllnrlay the thirrl day of March and on Friday, the tliird duy of Jon.nexr, at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon of eacli of said (Jays. D.ilid, Aun Arbor, Uecpinber 3. A. D. 191. J. WILLAKD HAU11IT1', Judjie ol' lroi),ito Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUN'TV OP iW ashtenuw. The niiderslgned having been appointed ly the Prob;ite Court lor s:iid ('ounty. Ooaamlssionars to rrceive, examine and idjrat all claims niid dcrannds of all persons utrainst tht estáte of Seary J. Hickson.late Of asid Gouuty, ueceaBed, horoby give notice ihat ix inontlis from late are ftllowea, by ordevot said Probate Court, or Credxtora to preseul tht ir claims against tlie estáte of unid decensed, andthat they wül meet "t the ■Hice of John I'. kirk in the city ot fpsilantl, in baid county. on Wtdnesday the tlnrd day of Februaiy rfhd on TuescUy, tho tbirdclix of May next, at ten o'clock A. M. oí euch ol aaid days, to receive, examine and ndjust said clainiH. ■ Dated Novcmb !■ :;d, 1091. JAMES M. CHtDISïEB, JüHX P KlUlv. Commissioreis. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. CODNTT O of Washteiiaw. es. Nollce ts heruby giTen, tnnt by au order of the Probate Couit for the Üounty of Wa&htfnav. made on the It day f December, A. D 1U91, six months from tbat d4te were allowcd for creditors to present their clairoa agaiust t!ie petate of Mary Cullinme, lato i f unid county, deceaeed, and that all credltor of said (leooaaed are roquirt'd to presenttheirclaims los iid Probate Court, al the Probate Otíice in th city of Ann Arlor, for examination and 'illowance, on or Iwfore the ürt iluy of June next, and tbat such claims will beheard before said C'ourt n Tuesrlay, the first day of March, and on Wednesday', the tirst day of June next, at ten o'clook iuthe foreuoon ofeach ofpaiddavs. Dated, Ann Arbor, Decemher 1, A. D. 1W1. J. W1LLAUD BA1SBITT, .Iiwlge ol Prohan Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV of WashtenRw, ss. Notice is hereby piveu, Iliat by an order of the l'rohate Court for the Countv oL Waahtenaw. made nn tbe 2fith day of Oetobet A. D. 1WI, six months trom thal unte wr allowed for crédito: to present their clHlms asiainat the estáte of Rbeccii Hecriques. late of suiii cunuil , (lsceaMM, and Lliata.ll crd.ltora otsaiil deoetiaed required ui present theirrlaims td said Prolmtu Court. ai hc Probate Office in the city ol Aun Arbor, lor exuruination aud allowance, on or before the th cl.y of April ,,,. vi, and tha anoh daims will be hi-urd hefore ''out:, "r; Tuesday, ihe 2ijili rlity ol January and on Tueedny, ilie 2 i'n . Apnl uext. at Len ocloc& in tno forenitou of cac'h of saui days. Dated, Ann Arbor, October 20, A. D. 1891. 1. WILLAKD HABBITT, Judgcof Probate. j ? BlSAESS ., 15 Wilcojc Avk., Detroit, Mir. Educates yoimï men and open to Bilnttill theajKlvw In Khind l-;n.n.nSh.p. "kmcU. VU"2""?"-, SSSSÍSfcüí W. F. JhWELL. Pre. r ii. ortNChK, bec y.


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