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Estáte of James W. Wauglr. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN. COUNTY of Washtenaw, SS. At u session of the Probate Court íor Ihe l'ounty of Waahteuaw, hoidenat tb Proliate Office in the City ofAnti Arbor. od Wednesday, tbe 3Oth day of Oecunber in the year oue tbousand eiht huudred aud mnetyoue. Present., T. Wlllard Babbilt, .Tudtre of Probate. In the matter ot tbe eBtate of James W. Wauíh, deceased. Alfred Darpnport ,the alininistmior of said estáte, comes luto cjurt and lepresents that he s now prepured to tender bis flual aciount as 8uch adiniiiistrator. Tbereupun it is ordered. that Tuesday, the 26th day of Januavy next, at ten o'clock in ihe lorenoon, be a&ilgned ior eyatnining and alJpwinjr such account, una thti the hcirs at law of saM dceeasoil and al other persony íutereated id aaid estáte, are rfquired to uppear at a sension of eaid court, theo to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Anti Arbor, in i-aid county, and show cause, if any there be, why ihe s .id account should not beallowed. And it ís furtlier ordered. thitt Baid adminiatrator givc notice totheperions interested in said estáte, ot the pendcncy ol salo acconnt, and thelmirintr thercof, by causiag a copy of thi order to be published in the Ank Arbok Akgus, a newsDaper urinttd and circulatifigrinsaid county, th ree succeasive weeks previous tosaid day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABniTT, (A THUE COPY) Judpe of ProlfitC. Wili.iam G. Doty, Probate Rceister. Estáte ot Donald Mclntyre. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol Washtenaw, as. At a ses&ion of the Prubate Court lor tbe Counly of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, en Wedneschiy, the utn day of Detembcr, in the year one thouaand eight huudred nud i'ineiy-ooe. Present, J. Willard Babbitt, Jude of Fiobu te. In the rao t ter of the estáte of Donald líclutyte, incomiiettut. lCdward D. Kinae lite uardiíin of saicl ward, cometí inlo couit aud rep.esents that he ís no-.v prcpMrt'tl to ronder hm iiuai accovnt hs such guardián. Theieupon it is ordered, tliat Monday. the 25 f h day oi uy, uext, at ten o'clock in the íortuociti, be nssigtird lor oxutuïninp; :iud wllowin; such account, and that the Dext ol kínoísnid ward, and all other persons iuterested in eaid esiate are required to ppiiiir at a aesbioíi fsaid couit, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in ihe city ol Aun Arbor, in said cuunty and show c.i upe il any iIhtc be, wliy ihe said aceouut bIiomLI not bc allwed. And it is further ordeird th ai síiiii guardián give noties to t) fc pertatn iuterested in said oetalp, oi the pemii-m} oí .said iit-oofint und tho hearing thcreiii , by cttusmt; a copyofthin orc'er to be publiahed in the A.n. Akbök AKüüea ncwöpaper printed a nd circula tinir iiitmid couniy thrCü .suinessïve w ecks preTious tosaid ilay oihcitiins.'. J. WILLAKD BAÜBITT, (Atrr.e copy, JiiclgeoiProbute, Vk'y ü Dotv, Probate ltegister.


Ann Arbor Argus
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