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{ ■.-.?'f,?'.f,M.'.i-ttWVMnyM-.,c.T. J PAÍKLESS----EFFECTÜA! JFOÏS A i '$SR9EREB MEM aken as dírected (bese f&mous ; ' 'ove mnivellous restorativcc to aU $ { luccbled by theabove orkindreadistasts. ; 25 Cents a Box, f bul gencrally recognízed in England aad.J ,.■ in .íi-tthroughout the world to be ".vurth:: 5 ,'!:" a box," fot tbe reason that tht-y J JJ. VU11E a tcida range of rom-% plaintí, and that they havc saved to many í sufferers not merely one but many guineas, t in doctors' büls. Ï } Oí alldruggists. Price 25 cents a box. ♦ WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. FOR RENT OR ON SHARES.-My farm of 450 acres, of whleh 250 ucres i9 plowed land. Situated on the b;i8e Une betweeu Webster and Hainburjf. Inquire on tho farm of JVlrs. John Dunlavy or of Thomas G. Wallace, Seetion 81, Northüéld. 7H-78 TWO NEWMilehCows forSale. James C, Alien, 2 miles north of City. 73-75 LOST- On Sunday evoninf?, between Hany. sterfer Blockand M. C. depot, a roll ol billa Finderwill reoelve liberal reward by leavingr tbem at the Argus office. F OH SALE- A span of lartfe horees weighinfr 1'iñOpoundBeach, aged fourand flveyeara See P. H. Scully at the new hospital. 7Ü-71 FOR SALE- Three new and desirablehouses cheap. D. A. Pray, office C. H. Klino, city. 72-74 YOTJNft MAN, 21, wants Situation in Store, ov any other employment. Address. Eddle 88 East üniversity Avenue. 72-74 FOR SALE- A large house and alsolotson Hurón St. Idq. of Mrs. A. Bisele, 33 N. 5th Ave. Ann Arbor. 72- 74 FOR SALE- Five acres on West Hurón street. Goood house, baru, orchard. Beautiful location. VVill sell on easy lerms. Apply to or address E. D. Davia, West Hurón street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 70tf FOR SALE- 4 Horses, 3 Cows, 3 Wagons, 1 Dcuble Carriaga. 1 Bupgy, 1 Roller, 1 Horse Rake, 1 Drill. 3 Pioughs, 2 Drags, 3 Culth-atore. 1 Cutter. 1 Bob Sleigh, ' Doublé Harnees, 2 Single Harness. Kuquire nt ' Mann's Drug store, Ann Arbor. 70tf GENTS WANTED.- Gentleman orlady, in ■■ eveiy city, and villaüe in Michigan, where not represented, to buy and sell our famous Organs, Symphonias, Pnouniatio Symphonys (Self-Playiug Organs), etc. For our Organs, catalogues, or un agency, only address our State Agent, N VanDerwerken, Manchoster Mlch. THE WILCOX & WHITE OHGAN CO Please mentton this paper. L" OU SALE 011 -New house, ten rooms, r with all modern eonvonienees. on Forest avenue. Apply to Henry Richards, 9 Detroit St. ' 66-OTL 1IANTED- A girl to help a pants-nuikor. Wagner Co., 21 South Main St. frltf ii T farm at Soio of 200 arcra for sale. I have no boys that wil) work the ranch, andlamtoold 'o fan, t not eold before the ürstoi Alarch next it is to rent. Geo. A. Peters. (Ktf rpo KENT- Hou, e, just outsideof weet city Í limits. Inquire at 73 S. Main streot FOR SALE.- Farm of forty aores at Whltmore Lake, Mioh. Good house. Fivemin-J utes' walk f rom Hotels and postx ffl3e. Exra lent JOil. Apply to Walter L. TayJor, jgg Broadivuy, Ann Arbpr, Mlch. f)9 I [ ANN AKIiOR NÜRSEKY-Fruit and oi,,.,. mental Peaeh and pear a special tv Grape vines, berry olant, etc. Pnce iLJ Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring Street. mmmmBmwbm The Aunual Meeting of Forest Hill Cemetery Company oC Ann Arbor, for the election of three Trustees and the trant-action of suoh other business as may come before it, will be held on Tuesday, January 5, 1892, at ten o'clock a m., at the office of the Olerk of said Company, No. 8 North Main Street. ELIHC B. POND, Clerk. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dee, 22. 1892. Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Koad Company. ■ The annual meeting of the Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Uoad Company for the election of directora for the ensuing year, and for sueh other business as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the oiliceof the Company attho toii-pate in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuusday, January i. 18:i2, at tvvo o'clock p. in. GEO.F.BOSH President. Ann Arbor. Dec. 14. 189Ï. FREDEHICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. Will attent) to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. For further ptirticuinrs cali at. the Akgus office. f II SI 01 I i ihe fju-fiPst fiold Miue ■ MMM K8 the Largesl Sllver I fiWtukuiiiW üm% tbe Largest Copper Mtnes. the Carmesí Lead Mino. Has Extensive Graztng Ranges, FinaTircber Belts, Wide Agricultural ValloysIa larner thün New England, New Fork, Ponnsylvania, New Jersey and Dclawttre oombined. The Great Northern Railway is thedirectltne trom 8t. Paul and Mlnneapolis to Groat I'alls. Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, tutte aml other Montana points. Apply to your home railway agent for tickets over the Great Northern. t-'mi n0 W'S'1 to blow lato LEND tliem, but inerely whlsper that the Ked Kiver Valley offlera fine iodnoements for homo. sepkers, JVIE ! as also the entire región aloru: the Oreat Northern Kaihvay throufrh Minnesota, Norlh DiiYUUK kota and Montana. For Mapg, (jukle Uooks, etc.. apnly to K. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A.. Mt. LAKo Paul, Mimi., orto your neurest railway agent. In some states the tuf YOUNG ! ratl0is two and int ten three to one in i vnllMo _„ ! favor ol' tho men. i T-"1'" WOMEN, The best route 1 rom ! M[-N St. Paul. WILN rr. olis. Buluth and aqe--iit GO - west to ARE OUT ' the Northwestern -r ljfrf rrcTl audPaciflc States is ' ricrtc "LJ1 ■ via the Breat wriVA thernHailway. NuwFarms can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on orop ijki and other plans to suit purobasII ers. No falluie of crops in twelve years ol' seltlement Ijarjre yields of wheiit and other RFÍ1 Staples. Fine stock retrion. liuu i (jood schools and ohurohee Healthfulclimate. (ireat Markets within easyreach. Farms RIVER Piliti for lroln tbe Pi'oceetls or M"u" one erop. Hiffhest prices pairi for products. The Great Wr■ r-vr thern Railway bus three Unes VALLcY. through the Valley. Ad('ress lr W. W. [raden, Land Commissioner, St. l'aul, Mimi , for prtieulars. ABOUT AGRËAT COUNTRY. Maps hnd publieations sent free, and lettere askin.a' intormation about travel and utiementin Minnesota, tbeDakotas and Montana answered by h I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Great Northern Kailway, St'. Paul. Tiekeip to all points in the West. Lowest ratos Ik the Paciflc Coast. k & S É I I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News