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TWO FARMS FOH SAI,E OU RENT.-Ono OOntalus WO acres, the other 240 aeree. Soil, unprovements and buildings excellent. Ternis oasy. Prtee very low. Euc[iiire of J. Q. A.Sessions. Ann Arbor. 1- ; Estáte ot John R. Clancy. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTï Oof Atasession of the Frobat . iMivt tor the county of a.shtenaw, holden at tliProbate Office, in the rity ot Ann Arbor. t" Weducsdiir. the sixtli day of Janu iry In the yenr nethousand eiirht hundred aud ninety twu. Present, J. Willaid Babbitt, Judfrenf Ar.twte. In the matter ol the edtate of John R, Clam'T 'eeeaMd. On rcadiny and rilin tbc petiüon, dulv verified, if Margeret R. Claney prayinfr that a oertain nslrunient now on tllcinlhis Court, purpiirtinff r.o be tboUtt wil and ustameut of said deoako-i nav beadmitted to probate and that administra, ion with the will iinncxed of said estáte may be 'ranted to hersclf, there hei: pr Do executnr in said will named or tosoine other suitnble person. ThereupoQ it is ordered, that MniHay. tbn st day of Ft bruary uext, at 10 o'clock in he forenoon, Deaasigned for the hearing ofaaid etitton and that the deviaces, legatees aud hetri t luw ot said deceageil, and itll other persons in tret'i in said estáte, are rfquired toappearata tission of said court, then to he holden it the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. nd BhnwcniMe, if any there be, why the prayer f the petitiouer sbould not be grautcd: Vnd it is further ordered that eaid petitioner ive notice to the pemuns interested in said state ot the pendencj of salo1 potition and the earing thereof, by cauging a copy of thia order to e published in tho Ann Abbob Abguh, anemiaper irinted and cnculatcd In said county, threy LlOOBHfve weeks previous to eaid day of hearing. J. V ILI.ARD KAMBITT, A. truecopy) Judh-eoi l'robnte WtrxiAM Ö.DOTY, Probate HeiriKter. bstate of Thomas Culhnane. STATR OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probite Court. for tho County of Washtonaw, hollen at the Probate Ortiee in tho Citv of Ann rbor, on Tuesday, the 5th day of January, n the year one thousand eight hundied and linety-two. Present, J. Willard Rabbitt, Judsro ot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas Culllnane, deceased. i n resdtng and flling tlie petttion. duly verlflod, of Gorge C. Page, administrator with the will unnexed, prayinjr that he may be lieensed to Bell the Real Estáte whereof said deceased dled siezed, to pay leiuracies, Thereupon it ie ordeied that on Tuooday, the second day of February next, at 10 o clock in tho forenoon, be asslgned for tho hearineof said petitlon, and that the devlseee, lfgatees and helrs at law of said deeoased, and all other persons interested in eaid estate, are reijuired to appear at a seeslon of said Court, then to bo holden at the Probate OtBoe, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why tho prayerof the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered that said administrator give notloe to the persons interested In stiid estáte, of the pendenoy of Raid account, and the hearIng thereof, by a copy of this order to bo publlBhed in the Ann Arbor r;;us, a newspaper printed and olroulating In said county. three successive weeks preyious to said uiiy of hearing. J.WILI,ARÜ HAÜ1HTT, Judre of Probate. I A trut' 1 W'.m. (. Di'jïv. Probate Refrister.


Ann Arbor Argus
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