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BUSINESS DlUECTORY. j)_ A. MAC LACHLAN, M. D. Diseases of tli EYE, KAK, NOSE and THKOAT OfHce in Hangstorfer Block. Resideuce 26 S. División Street. Hours: 1 to 5 and 6:3O to 7:3O p. m. Eiiii-ixr s. oiñtix JUSTICB OF THE PeACE AndNotary Public Cotmsyanciníf done and BK AL ESTÁTE boujtht and 8o!d on eomniiseion. Patronage sol icited. No. O N.Maiu bt. ATTORNEYS. D. CKAMBB. S. CRAMKU. CRAMER & CRAMER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OIBce: Front room over First National Bank. ANN AiïliOK, MICH. V B. N0RRI8 ATTORNBY AT LAW. üoes a froneral lawcollectionand conveyano :K business. A moderato share of yourpiitronaare respectfully eolicitod. Offico in tlie 'ourt House. f II. WILUAMS, AttorseT at Law aai Pension Chin AUornev, MILAN, MICH. Conveyaneing and Colleetions. DENTISTS. r OITIS P. HALL, ÖKIST1ST. Office South State stroet. Over Sheelmn'p Book Store. Hours 9 a. m. to 12 and 2 p. m. to 5 p. m. y W. NTCH0LS I). r., DENTIST. In the oíd Rt. Jamos Hotel Hlock. Toeth extracted without puin ï)y the use nf rttalizedair. a cTnichols. DENTIST Late of Niehols Bros. Over Adams's Bazaar No. 1S South Main street. ■MWIWW1IIIB lm Ê HIMa- -■■■■■!! iihil AGENTS : To ENTIRELY WANTED NEW BOOK The most wonderl'ul colloctioii Of practica], real valué and every-day use t'or the people ever published on the Rlobe. A marvel of moaey-saving: nnd money-e:irnini? for evory oneowningit. Thoiieandsofbcautiful, helpful onfrravingS!, showing just howto J(j evory thing. No competition; nothin? like il in tho universe, When you select Huu whieh 16 of true valué, sales ure sure. All sincerely dosltin payiniremploymentandlookiitf forsametliin thoroufrhly flrst-class at au exlraordinary low price. should write lor descriptiouaud terma on the most remarkable achiovement in lnkmakiuif sinoe the world began. SCAMMELL & CO.. Box 50TO ST. LOUIS or PHILADELPHlA. Tl Al U FRUIT Ml Pears and Grapes a Specialty fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers From Eüwanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYRUPS, MEDICINAL WINES KASPBERRY SYRUPS, BONESET., ÜANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPEWINES Prepared Espeoially for Invalids. 53T Pure Plymouth Rock E(fj?s._ E. BAÜR. "West Hnroa St. - REPORT OF THE COIMDITION IE FIRST É11L HU!, - OF- ANN ARBOR, MICH., At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business DbcembIeb 2nd, 1891. resources. Loansand ilsoounte, Ï3W,2SS 8] Overdnifts, 2,8 Ui U. S. Bonds to secure cireulation, 25,000 tiO (Hher stock, bonds and mortífaííes, .. 1,LU0 00 Due from approved reserve asrents,. S!.Sfi2 51 Due from State Bank and Bankers, . . T.68V r,i Premiums paid 4.500 0j Real estíite, furnlture and flxtures,. . 13 950 (X) Current expenses and mxespaid X',OtLi 86 Checks andother ensh items 72 34 Bills ol'other National Bauka :i,:l (KJ Fraotlonal Currenoy (includinjr nickels) 161 45 Specie (includins gold Treasury notes) 13,67 15 Legal-tender note?, - - :J,6'!) til) Hedemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cireulation)-.. 1,128 40 Total, $47J,028 I LIAIilLITlES. Capital stock paid in -ÏKKI.OOO 00 Surplus fund 17.000 00 Other undivided proflts ;,!i4 4i; Nationnl liank notes outstauding-, ... 32,500 00 Dividends unpaid 40 00 Individual Deposits subject to check, I!,:;;-.' :.:; Demand cortiflcates of deposit 95,54191 Certified Cbeeks 180 uo Totiil .$4"!,fi28 60 STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyol1 Washtenaw, fb[.Sldney W. Clarkson, Caehlorof tlio aliove named Bank, do solemuiy swear that the a! n e statement is true to the best ot' my knowledue and belief. S. VT. CLARKSON, Cashier. Subsoribed nnd sworn to before me, tliis sixteenth (ay of December, 1891. JOUN Q. A. 6E88IONS, Notary Public. CX)ERECT- Attest: JOHN M. WHEKIjER, i HiüNUY CORNWEl L, Directors. Wil McCREERT. I TONY SCHIS PPACASSfc, N'O. 5. N. MAIN STBBT. fEUITS, NUTS and CONFEOTIOIEEY TÖBACCOSAND C1GARS, Oysters and all kinds of fruit al"ways onsr x-risrx)


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News