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The Michigan Editors

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For tlie secoiul time since the organ. ization oí the Michigan State Press Associution Ann Arbor has been called upon to entertain the Bdltöra of the state. The flrst time was twelve years ago; the second time was during the past three days. Both of these times it is unnecessary to remark, the editors were entertained in as hospitable a marnier is they ever liad received at anyother place, orif they did not it was not the fault of our citizens. Thé present meeting opened on Tuesday at the court house, the day being spent in the reception and registration of the gnests and their assignment to quarters by the local committee. The guests vvere met at the depots by i reception eommittee and furnished with freo transportation tickets i'or use wliile in the city. This arrangement appeared to please the visitors and the hacks were kept busy during their stay in the city. The attendance at the meeting was lighter than was expected owing to the prevalence of gr.p througliout the state, but enough were here to niake a respectable showing, the voster sjiowing in tire neighborhood of 1-50 in atte.iidanee, man; of tliem accompanied by tHeir wives and families. It was the desire of the local organizaron that a demonstration be given by the students similar to the one given when the American congress was here, but to this Pres. Angelí objected, so a public meeting was held in University Hall, Tiiesday evening. The Glee club and tho Chequamegons kindly consented to furnish music, and this fact was enough to crowd ilie house. The meeting was one of the most pleasing ever held, and the guests enjoyed it, especially the orcasional college yells and demonstrations of the students. It was something new to most of them and few of them had mnch of an idea of the magnitude of the University ontil they saw the hundreds of students assembled at this meeting. I Following the rendition of an overture by the Chequamegoiis, Mayor W. G. Doty welcomed the guests on behall of the city. He said : Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Editorial Apsociation ol Michigan: ■ The citizens of Ann Arbor have depnted me as the chief executive of their city government to appear before yon in their belmlf for the purpose of extending the freedom of the city to tins association. Under iiny circumstances il is a pleasant duty for i public otticiul to execute the proper mandates of bis constitnency. It a especially pleasing when his èfforts are inspireri by the unanimous and approving sentiment of the whole body of the eitizenship. It is schluin. perhaps, that the cutiré body politie acts in perfect aecord in questions of municipal interest, i int I takc it that occasions such as tliia always commend themselves to the proper self-respect of every enterprising comtuunity. As tlu weH-ordered houaehojd moves in barmouious unison for the réception of the expected guest. as iiKistcv and misi ress, man and maid perform their varlons fuuctions witli hospitable th'ouglits alone iiitenf, sötheMrcitj prepares berself when sbe sweepsand garnishes her dwelling place fói the welconie of the dear friends whose coming footsteps soon wil! cross the threshold of ber gates. Tlien it is that citizen and functionan walk hand in hand, then is discord forever silent, and all contention dies away. It isiflah'd that the fairest Structure of all antiquity rose in its majestic Btrength and beauty without the disturbing sound of any toolof iron whilst it was building,- "No hammers i'-il. no poade'ous axes rung, "LiRe wme tuil ilin the mystic fabiid epruutf." And tlnis to-day. gentlemen of the press, the eitizens ui Aun Arbor have roared the mystic fabric of theircivic hospitality. They have conseerated it fco friendship and to fellowship, and thcv ask oï you as friends and guests t stand with them before its altars and share its sacred and peculiar rites. Following with statistics and facts felative to Ann Arbor, the-mayor nonlinued : And yet, Mr. President, I do not think the editorsof Michigan have visted us simply to behold and jiote our progress in commercial and industrial wcallh. It ratiier seems to me that you have come as old-time friends and Kssociates whose eyes have never lelt us and whose sympathiea and whose affections have brought you liere as to the home of a familiar and congenial í'riend. To all of you Ann Arbor is a household word. To all the world of letters the bl a zonry of wealth, the heraldry of pride and the insigna of rank would ill-becouie this western Athens, whose puroling hills and ripplingstreams foreverguard the awful shield of Tallas and the sacred groves of her academy. "Art to her fume no aid hath lent; Hor country is lier monument." It was the wonder of the panegyrist of the aticient Athens, expressed in his mmortal plea tor snpremacy ariiOiig the Grecian states, that those who established the festal games and the ,'ymnie contests valued sohighly.the rain i ng of the body, and esteenied so lightly the proficiency of the mind. It is the glory of the genius of the renaissance wliich gave the art of pvinting to an awakened world, that it ■ ;:i!)li.sluvl in every intellectuil ceu; wider than Athens' civic hegemony, and founded iièw olytopics wliere mind contends with mind fór universal enliglitenment. As friendly riyala in that supreincst contest the univeraity and the public press strive for the accomplishment of a common purpose and bear the bnrdens of an equal mission to the sons and daughters of men. And so it sceins to.ine t'iai the edltors of Michigan have conic ui) to Ann Arbor, the home of the üniversity. in the bon ds of ts friendship ''like the Olympian to the great games vvhere the flrst-born of the world are ilie competitors." "Hsppy," it is said, "is the house that Bheltera a friend." Happy, therefore, is our queenly city. wliich to-day is sh el tering within its walls the represen tati ves of a great pro fess ion which, by community of interest, sympathy of thovight and identity of aspiration, is bound to it by most endnring and endearing ties. Ladies and gentlemen of the Press Association of Michigan, welcome, thrice welcome, to Ann Arbor. "Here hall the presa the peoples rijrht inaintafn; Unawed by inihienco, unbriböd by yrain. Here patriot. Truth her grlorious preoepts draw; Pledg-ed to religión, llberty andlaw." After "The Yellowiind Blue." by the Glee Club, President Nisbêtt, of the assoeintion, tlianked the mayor for his welcome, and tlien read li is annual addrcss The otber speakers at Ihis meeting were Prof. F. N. Scott, E. X. Dingley, of the Kalafnazoo Ttiiegi'aph, C. S. Hampton, of the Petoskey Democrat, and President Aneil, the two latter being especially applauded by the students. The programnie was spersed with music by the Chequamegons and the GleeClul). Following tlie meeting, a reception was given the guests by the University Señale in the handsome library bitilding; The meeting on Wednesday momIng v;is devoted to business and was Of .mcat benefit to the fralernity. ïlie papers were read according to the programme published in the Argua last week, with on or two exceptions. Tlie papers were all good and were folfowed by able discussions in whieli the various methods of doing business were brouglit out. President Nisbett appointed the following committees: On new business- Theo. K. Qutnby, Detroit Kn-c l'ress; J. T. Colby. Schoolornlt Express; A E. Smlth, Helleville Enterprise. Od rpsolutions -Peiry F. Powers, Cadillac News and Express; I,. E. Slussar, Maneeloim HeraUl; W. H.Hrearley, Detroit Journal; J. J. SlmtMon, Bessemer Piek and Axe; Mrs. Helle M. Perry, Charlotte Tribune. On Memorial - E. A. Iilaekman. illsdale Deninerat: Fmi Slocum. Detroit Journal; H. It. Pattengill, Michigan School Moderator. On plaeeor next meeting- J. it. Fisher, Detroit News; Lew F. Cutcheon, Portland Obsorver; I). C. Henderson, Alleg-an Journal. On delenratcs lo natlonal comention- L. M. Sellers, Gedar Bpringg Clipper; A. .1. Kampton, Addison Courior; James Slocum, Holly Advcrtiser. Wednesilay afternoon was given iq) to sight-seeing and was profitably spent by the visitors. At two o'clock tliey met at the university ehapel and underthe guidance of the (Jnivereity oflicials and the local members visited the dental depaitment, the museum, the chemicul and niecluvnical labora-' torios. The visit was interesting to the editors and highly edifying as well. It is uiinecessary to say that the greatnessof the University and the neeessity for its sppropriations and demanda frono the legislatiire are now more thoroughly understood by the presa of Michigan than ever before. It ::; afe to Siiy. also. Aun Albor and the l'niversity have won many lrieiids btlie visit of ihe press. On Wednesctay eyening a shn-t business session was held after whicli the editors attended a reception tendered to them by J. E. Beal, at hls residence on s. Fifth avenue. The house was haudaomely decorated, "M. P. A." standing out in a blaze of liglit over the porch. Mr. and Mrs. Beal received tlieir guests and entertained them with their usual hospitality. TUursday morning after several papers liad been read, the el eet ion of officers was beid, resulting as follows: Juniua E. Beal, Aim Arbor ('ouder, president; James Slocum, Ilolly Advertiser, secretary; Col. L. M. Sellars. Cedar Springs Clipper, treasurer. Detroit was decided upon as the next place of meeting. YestiTila af tentoon, the guests met again at the Universityehapelandcontiuued the sight-seeing. They visited the ïii'w CTniversity Hospital wheré they witnessed a clinicof Prof . Currow. A change was made in the programme at tlüs point, and sleighs were provtded for such of the guests as desired to fake a drive about the city. About 75 availed theniselves of this opportuuity and took in the many beautiful drives and viewed all parta of the city. A fitting closiBg to tlic exercíses oí tbe week v:is the banquet given the members of the association by our citi.ena, at Light ínfantry Hall, last èveniiig. At lenst, judging from the expressions oí the various members, tlie associatinii liad never enjayed i more pleasant and entertaining meeting than the one just closed. Thearmory was a siulil. last evenin, w th tii-e four longjtábles, heavily laden witM substantínla and decorated with rowa of potted planta and flowers. Covers were laid for 280, and about 20ü of the places were filled. The banquet was served by H. G. Prettyman, and the menu and servioe were worthy of special mention. The Chequamegona were present and discoursed pleasing imisicduiïng the evening. President Angelí preslded as toastmaster, and did not in jure lus reputation as a presidins offleer In the least. He was In a most happy and felicitous mood, and carried his audience with hita. líe kept them in laughter, as he introduced the speaker, each of wlinm made telling responses, many of tliem Uright and witty. The toasts and responses were as folio ws: 1. OurGuests Regent Chas. K. Whitinaii 1. Ano Arboi- Michigan's Athens Perry Powers, Cadillac ;i. The Vellowstoue Haid J. J. Slmpson, Itessemer 4. Tho Learnlnsr How and the Knowiun How -The Diffrrence W. C. Spraprue, Detroit 5. Early Days K. B. Pond. WooIoiioukIi 0. The Penpatetlc Editor H. K. PatteiiRill The editora lelt tliis morning at 5:48 o'clock for Detroit, f rom which place they go on a southern excursión, taking in the Mainmoth Oave and the Florida Keys. 1 The local press club desires to express its thiinks to the tnany citizens who have assisted, both in a financial way and by the throwing open of their homes, in the entertainment of the guésts. The club adopted one plan which it thinks will result to the benefit of the city. Hundreds of cuts of the prominent buildings on the campus and about the city have been made and each member of the association has been supplied with a set of these, euts with which to Ilústrate articles in their home papers. The set, besides the various buildings on the campus, iucludes those of the eourt house, postofflce, liigh school. Aun Arbor Organ Co. Works and New ben y Hall. The Argns ïiaS :n;((i tb set for I time.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News