It Should be in Every House. J. I!. Wilson, 371 Cluy etreet, Sharps' luu-g. Pa,, saya that he will not ba without Dr. Kinu's New Dlacovery for Öoneuniptlon Coughfl and Colds, that it cured hls wile who was threat; ened with Pneumonía after an attack of "La Grlppe," whön vaMoufl other remedies and sevcral physleian.' had dom; her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. King'fj New Discovery lias dono liim more good than anythinp; ?ie ever used for Lung troublf. Nöthing like it. Try it. Free Trial Bottles at the drug stores ot Eberbacli & Son, Ann Arbor; aud Gto Haussler, Manchester.
Ann Arbor Argus
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