Scribner's Magazine
&:q SJxej)tioikl Yekt. J'iií Fear 1 Ml nos been marhed by a greater advanee than any simüar period since the Magazine was establiglied. Not only has the literary and artütic excellence, been nfjfntavnm and increased, but a corresponding gain has been made in the sal; und wfluence of the Magazine, At the end of 1891 ' the circulatwn hos risen to more tlum 140,000. It mayjustty be promised that the further improvemcnts fnr the coming V "'■ u;M be proportionele to these largely increased opportunities. SW Xext Yek. It is not possible to give, in a brief space, au account of all the features ia preparation, but tlie materiaHs deficiënt in neither iinportance nor range oi subject. Among the subjects treated: The Poor in the World's Great Cities. . iï {sprotfï to publlsh a series of articles, upon a scale not before attemptc-d, givinir theïebuits 01 special Btudy and work among the poor of the great cities. The plan will include aa ',Ji?i íí,, ÍZ r 1 ?ondl"o"s of life in those eities (in many lands) where the resulta of ree,troti win oc noiptul tor purposes of eomparison as well as for their own intrinsic intorest. While, ÍÍ2Í1 fi'f11 Vïe l)Olt",01' the artioles will be acontributionof Rreat i m portan eo. the treatt ? „mV-Vk tholIb!v popular, and the elabórate illustrations will serve to make the presentation ot the subject vivía as well as pioturesque. Washington A listón. Unpublished Reminisdenceannd Letters of this foremost among earir American painters. A number of illustrations will lend additional interest; u the articles. Important Moments. Ho,-iheoaim?Ltliss?riesof vey short articles is to describe the sigal occasions when some deoisn e eventtook place, or when soine great experiment was flrst shown to be sucoessful- such moments as tbat of the first use of the Atlantic cable, the flrst use of the telearaph and: telcphone, the flrst successtul experiment with ether thenightof the Chicago fire, the scène at the moment of the vote on the impeachment of Andrew Johnson, etc, etc Out of Door Papers. In the early spring will be begun a number of seasonable articles, among them being: Small Gountnj Places, how to lay out and beautify them, by Samuel. Fishing Lorefrom an Angler's Note Boolc, by Dr. Leroy M Yale Mountain Station Life in New Zealand, by Sidney Dickivson Kacing in Australia, by Sidney Dickinson, with illustrations br Birge Hakkison. "' The illustiations are made from original material. A f uil prospectm appears in the Holiday Number, noiv ready. PRICE, 25 CENTS. $3.OO A YEAR. DARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, - 743 and 745 Broadway, New York
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