Wm. Reinhardt & Co Agent
AbIí my na-ciits for W. L. Doucino Shoes. l not lor sale in your place ask yonr ituller to nena for catalogue secure thu nxcncy, aml cet tliem for you. Ï3TTAKE NO SUIÍSTITUTE. _1 FOR ,L$EN jp .C FCRhv WHY IS THE W. L DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GEhHAkH THE BEST SHOE !N THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY.1 It ís a seamless shoe, with uo taclia or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the bent flne calf, stylish and easy, and because we mctke more $hoes of this grade than any other manufacturera It equals nandseved shoes costlng from $4.00 to 5.00. Í&C OOGenuhif llar.tl-scwed, the flnest calí Pwb shoe ever offered for S5.00; equals Freneh Imported shoes whtch cost from $3.00 to $12.00. fA llanl-8cwed Welt Shoe, fine calf, '■■ styllsh, comfortable and durable. The best oe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costlng from $6.00 to $9.00. 4CO 50 Pólice Shoci Farmers, Railroad Meu & %p aud Letter Carriers all wearthem; flnecalf, seamless, smooth lnaide, heavy three soles, extensión edge. One pair will wear ayear. (IO 50 fino calf; no better shoe ever offered at PdCiB this price; one trial will convince thoso who want a shoe for comfort aud service. {&O :"id $'-.00 Workinsrtnan's shoes %&iLm are very strong and durable. Those who have glven them a trial will wear uo other make. SSiTkUffi' S'.OO anl SI. 73 school shoes are 1BIUT0 worn bythe boys every where; theysell on theTr merlts, as the iut-reasing sales show. I Oirl S AC '$00 I !íi nd-si'wf'd shoe, best !OhJ (tO Dongula, verystylish; equalsKreuch imported shoes costhiK f rom S-J.OO to S6.00. I.jküch' 2.50, s-,ífí aml $tl.75 shoe for Misses are the best flno Dongola. stylish aud durable. C'ïnifton.- See that W. Ii. Douglas' name and price are staiuped on the bof torn of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Slass.
Ann Arbor Argus
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