Another Old Pioneer
Ainong Uiose who arrived in Aini Arbor just about tlie time the Arus made its flrst appearance was EdmUud Clancy, who is stil! alive and resides on Lawrence sti-eet. 11e was then about 19 years of age and walked from Detroit, coming to that place frona Buflalpby boat. The roads were not in quite as good shape then as now.and the country was hardly as prosperoĆ¼s. Whereour great university now stands was au unbroken field. Goqdrich'a hotel stooil where the Hamilton block now stands, and the old Cook house was started about the same time. Mr. Clancy became bomeaick and in seven years went back to New York. He wascured and came back and settled ilown. living ever since in tbis county. ercept a few months spent at Grand Rapids. Mr. (,'laiu-y's father subscribed the Ai;;us as soon is he arrived ia ttrtro, and the paper has been taken bj the family ever si nee.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News