Meetings At The Church Of Christ
Jtev. II. V. Wjllett. A. M., U con'. o series of very tnstructive a1 the ( .'harre h oi Christ, ol u iii h Rev. C. A. Young is pastor. Rev, AViMtti is a noble speelpieu ; ihr Chrititiaon manhood.. Several perons have airea . c mfe sed I lielr faith ■ ik iaa ilif s ni oí God aeeordiag U r o ol Uw Desciples ol ciniM, uSi!) wiH1 be baptized during 1 ! werk. O: .Satuirda.v, ;it 8 p( m., Mr. (WU-lett wil! lecture om Israel, tjie ming erf m series of lectores ou "Great Religieus ReSormers." The 'olliiwiiajr are the anbjects of liis Bfermoins Jot the coming week: Friday evemtng, "Change f Heart;" Saturii;iy evening, "dhristian ltaptism;"Suu..i.v, t0:80 a. m., "The Cliurch oï the Future;" Suntí'a.v, 7:30 p. m., "Th6 Great Comitissions;" Momlay evenlng, "Rcfeeneratixjiu or the New Birtth;" Tuesday eveakig, "The Way to-llcaven;" Wednesdaj evening, "The Holy Spirit:" Thur.-(la.v evetting, "Way oí toíallibie Saletjy." All are welcome. 1". of M. etndente are eepeclaUy requested atteod the Saturday afternoon leöture on "Greal Religlous Reforme
Ann Arbor Argus
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