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The pay-car passed here on Wednesday. Ed. Tichenor is amonghis friends here this week. Mtich sickness still prevails, but few deaths yet. Win. ludsoti is having a tussle with the grippe. Placer Gold was repeated by the dramatic club Wednesday night. Tommy McKone, of Jackson,,has been with friends here the past week. The prayer-meetings are continued every night this week in the Baptist church. The Congregational church has withdrawn from the union meetings and will have a cantata. John Rafferty has opened his tailor shop in the VVilkinson building, on East Middle Street. Dr. Shaw, of Ypsilanti, was here Tucsday to attegd J. C. Gilbert, who is reported to have typhoid fever. E. C. Hill has moved his jewelry establishment into oue side of John Rafferty's tailor shop, on East Middle street. Sleighing is very good now, for the first time in years. People who have heavy freighting to do are improving it. Ye editor of the Standard now steps unusually high, because of the arrival at his house last week of a bouncing boy. Wedding bells will ring here again next week. Chelsea has done a thriving business in weddings in the last three months. Electric light burners have been put in the G.A.R. hall, the town hall and the M. E. church. It will be somc time yet before they will be ready to light ap. Home talent rendered the play of "â– Placer Gold" at the town hall Tuesday night to a full houe. It gave good satisfaction, and raised a good sum of money for the cornet band. Very little produce has been brought here the past week. Wheat has taken another sharp drop. It is now dull at 85 cents, for red or white: rye, 80 cents; barley, $1 per hundred; beans, Si. 10; oats, 30 cents; corn, 25 cents; dressed pork, $4.50; chickens, 7 cents; turkeys, 10 cents; clover seed, $5.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News