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The Springfield Republican

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FOR 1892. AN INDEPENDENT, COMPLETE AND ABLE NEWSPAPEB. THE REPRESENT ATIVE JOU 11 NAL OP NEW ENGLANI). Established in 1824 by Samuel Bowles. PaUiihed DAILY, SÜNDAY and WEEKLY The Spkixofield Republican is emphati cally a íicu'spaper íor the people. It publishes all the news that is news in the broadest and highest senso, unaffected by partisan or personal prejudice. ltis enterprising, alert and Intelligent in the performance of its dutii 3 to the public. Ithas its owndeuided opinión or public qucstions, and theso opiniona are ex pressed with rigor and ability, but they are notallowedto color its news columns. Tuf REPUBiacAN is a thoroughly fair Journal Members of nll parties whodesire to lseep in formedofthe important political events and discussions oï the presidential campaign of 1892, should subscribe lor The Kepüblican. THE DAILY KEPÜBLICAN Was started in 1844, and is the oldest daily paper in the state outside of Boston. It has al ways Itept abreast of the times, and has been quiclt to avail itself of the best modern appli anees for the enlargement and improvetuen of its news service. It is now regularly an eight-page sheet with seven wido columns to the page, and supplemental pages are frequently added as the demnnds of news or advertising require. It covers tbe news of the worlü with discriminating care and tnorough ness. New England happenings and interests receive special attention and liberal space, anc a large force of special reporters and corres ponrluntsaro constantly employed in gather Ing the local news of Western Massachusetts and the neighboring counties of Connecticut Vermont and New Hanipshire for its readers lis edstorial page is broad in range, independent, elevating, and interestinsr in quality lts literary departmentis of a remarkably high order. lts political correspondence is furnished by independent, well-informed and capable writers, It publishes, moreovor, a great variety of interesting and valuable general correspondence and THE SUNDAT REPUBLICAN Was flrst published in 1878 in responso to a rea public demand in Weslern Massachusetts for a ürstclass, high-toned Sunday newspaper. Sinee that time it has been constantiy improved and it lias been twice enlarged. Fully four-flfths of i te 56 columns of space is devoted to reading matter of a high order, embracing news, special correspondence, a full page of editorial matter, a departmcnt of books. authors and art, a flrst-rate weekly story and a weekly sermón, sportiog and theatrical news and notes, special artieles, original and selected poetry, etc. The Sunday Kepublican is a thoroughly wholesome, excellent and interesting jonrnal, well adapted to the tastes and wants of the intelligent New Eugland public. THE WEEKLY KEPtTBLJCAN Is now more than 67 years oíd, but age only improves its quallty. It continúes to be what it has long been, a remarkably faithful and comprehensive record of American life. lts weekly review of the news is very carefully compiled, and its 12 broad pages contain in addition to the news, a wonderfully rich collection of valuable and entertaining readiag matter. All the best features of The Daily and Sonday Repcblican aro reproduced in Tuk Wkeki.y in full or but slightly abridged, and arranged with admirable skill and iutelligence for the convenience and pleasure of the reader. The result is a weekly news and family íournal which far exceeds in interest and worth any similar publication in the United States. It is a paper that New Englandors at home and abroad will tlnd of special value, and which Americans everywhere can appreciate umi ;i uu ei i iu . ST7BSCRIPTION RATES. DAILY: VU cents a month, Ï3 a quarter, $8 a year. SUNDA Y : 50 cents a quarter, $3 a year. WKEKLY: 50 cents for six months, $1 a year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance. Specimen copies free. FBEE FOR ONE MONTH. TheWeeklyRepubücan, a 12-page paper, will be sent free for one month to any one who wishes to try it. New subscribers to The Weekly for 1892 can have the paper free for the balance of 1891 . Addie3 THE RE PUBLICAN, Springfleld, Mass.


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