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Council Proceedings

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lOtfí'ICIAL.l COUNCIL CHAMBUT!. I Ann Albor, Jan. ÍS, 1892. ) Regular meeting. Council met and was called to order by president Cooley. lloll called. Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Bebberg, Hall, Kitson, President Cooley-- 11. Absent- Aid. Allmendinger, Taylor -%■ Minutes of last meeting approved. OBDINANCE COMMITTEE. The ordinance committee reported .in ordinance relative to sidevvalks, which was given its first reading by title. REl'ORTS OF CITY OF1ICEKS. The city elerk read a communication from Railroad Commissioner Chas. R. Wbitiuan, stating that an order had been entered requiring the T., A. A. & 11. to maintain safety gates at tjje crossing of Miller avenue and Washington street, a ílagman at Liberty street and electric alarm bell signáis at South Main and Pontiac streets. Received and filed. The city clerk read the appointment of Jas. R. Bach as deputy city clerk until February lst, subject to the approval of the Council. On motion of Aid. O'Hearn the appointment was onfirmed. MOTIONS AND RESOLXrTIONS. By Alderman Fillmore: Whekkas, There is no telephone on the west side of Alien creek, Third ward, and no expeditious vvay to send in a tire alaim, therefore Resolved, That the Board of Fire Oommissioiiers do cause to be located at ttie córner of Spring and Hiseock streets, a telephone to be placed in a suitable house 3x3, 7 ft. high, nuar the oak tree at said corner. Which motion prevailed by yeas and says is follows: Yeas - Aid. Mann, Wines, Iierz, Martin, Fillmore, O'ljeam, Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, President Cooley- 11. Nays, None. By Aid. Hall: Whereas, In the opinión of the Council the grade on north Fifth avenue between Beakes and Summiti streets ought to be changed and flxed and established to the end that such street may be suitable for trafïic with wagons and other yehicles, therefore, Resolved, ïhat it ishereby ordered that the grade of north Fifth avenue between Beakes and Summit streets be changed f rom its present grade and iixed and established so that the grade along the center line of said street at and between the streets af oresaid shall be as fbJJows, that is to say: jjke eleyations given being above the offiflk City Datum, viz: south line of Summit streef, fi# khrtred seventy-nine and 60-100 Hk two hundred and iifty -TeStsöWneHy i'roaj tlic ooutli ino oí Summit street eight hundred one and 10-100 ieet. At a point tliree hundred and seventy-live . t'eet southerly f rom the south line of Summit street eight hundred four and 10-100 ieet. At a point five hundred and seventylive l'etit southerly frorn the south line of Summit street eight hundred one and 10-100 feet, The said elevations being on and along the center line of said avenue and the balance of the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade lines to onsist of straight lines between the severa! points or stations stated. Yeas- Aid. Mann, Wines, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Ferguson, Rehberg, Hall, Kitson, President Cooley.- 11. Nays - None. Aid. Martin moved that a recess of fffteen minutes be taken, which motion prevailed. At the expiration of fif teen minutes President Cooley called the Couucil to der. KEPORTS SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The sewerage eommittee read a paper on the proposed new sewer, which on motion of Aid. Hall was received and placed on file. ByAld. Martin: Whekeas, A system of sewerage for the city, in the opinión of the Council, has becorne a necessity and for sanitavy veasons is a necessary public improvement, therefore, Resolved, That it is hereby delared to be the purpose of the Council, the people voting to raise the necessary money by tax therefor, to ause a suitable system of sewers for the city to be constructed without delay. Resolved furtiiek, That the subject matter of such sewerage system, alnng With the last report of the eommittee on sewerage, be and the same s hereby referred to the Board of Public Works, with instructions to report and advise the Council at an adjourned meeting tobe held on Monday the 25th instant, what in their opinión would be the most suitable plan therefor and ubmit specih'cations thereof, also the Kind, quality and amount of material necessary for, and the probable cost of the construction of a main sewer for s"ch proposed sewerage system. Which resolution prevailed by yeas nd nays as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mann, Herz, Martin, Fillmore, O'Hearn, Terguson, Hall, Mtson. President Cooley.- 9. Nays- Aid. Rehberg.- 1. Aid. Martin moved that vvhen we adjourn, we adjourn to meet at an adjourned meeting to be held Monday, January 25, at 7:30 p. m., which motion prevailed. An invitation was received from the medical faculty of the University to the Council to attend the opening of toe University hospital on Wednesday iext, which invitation was unanimousiy accepted. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News